Comments on: Eb/N0 Vs BER for BPSK over Rayleigh Channel and AWGN Channel Signal Processing for Communication Systems Thu, 23 Mar 2023 05:53:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mathuranathan Thu, 12 Jan 2017 02:41:00 +0000 In reply to venki.

I don’t have the code. Anyways thanks for asking.

By: venki Sun, 01 Jan 2017 13:16:00 +0000 can u provide the matlab code for Average capacity at the ith subcarrier versus peak transmit power,
Ps, in case of collision-free (no-interference) and interference from only PU,
only SU-2 and both PU and SU-2 with P = 5 dB and I = 2 dB.
−2,in case of cognitive radios The output is shown below in the figure

By: hassan Tue, 25 Oct 2016 14:36:00 +0000 hello
can i have code of BER for PAM,OQPSK and DPSK over awgn , rician and relight channels in matlab

By: dongmo Sun, 28 Aug 2016 19:28:00 +0000 please Sir can you help me small code matlab to generate the impulse response of rice channel?

By: Lamia Fri, 26 Jun 2015 09:44:00 +0000 Hello Sir,

Please, can you help me to convert (using Matlab) each image into a binary data then to plot bit error rate for each one (in order to compare the bit error rate for the two figures).

I need your help please.

Attached are the figures.

Thank you so much in advance for your help and support.

By: Mathuranathan Tue, 16 Jun 2015 08:53:00 +0000 In reply to Lamia.

I suspect that D is a matrix containing mix of parameters, where the third column of the matrix contains a vector of timebase and fourth column of D contains some scaling factor for power (say k) expressed in dB.

you can re-write the equation as follows for more clarity

t=D(:,4); %extract timebase or phase values
kdB = D(:,3); %extract kdB values
k = 10.^(kdB./20);%linear scale , converted to amplitude level

Now the equation becomes
(cos(t*pi/180)+sqrt(-1)*sin(t*pi/180)).*k ‘

Looks like , the equation is for a complex sinusoid of form
k*(cos(A)+j sin(B))

By: Lamia Mon, 15 Jun 2015 16:48:00 +0000 Hello Sir,
The complex Channel Impulse Response is given by the following expression: ‘ ImP=(cos(D(:,4)*pi/180)+sqrt(-1)*sin(D(:,4)*pi/180)).*10.^(D(:,3)./20); ‘
Please, can you clarify to me what is D.
Thank you so much,

By: Maryam Sat, 23 May 2015 18:29:00 +0000 Hi dear all,I need matlab code for CRLB for DOA estimation .

By: alec Sat, 23 May 2015 10:49:00 +0000 Hello my friends
i want to plot the ‘BER Performance in Multipath Rayleigh Channel with 4-psk Modulation’ with matlab functinon,because it’s fast run.i use the filter for equalization after adding the awgn.filter coefficients is the channel gain for different SNR is constant.but filter response in Nan!who’s know why?

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%in the name of ALLAH%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
clear all
close all
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%initial values%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
length_x_in = 1e6; %lenght of x_in
M = 4; %constellation
m = log2(M); %number of bits in eath symbol
SNR_range = 0:5:30; %signal to noise ratio(dB)
t_sampling = 1;
f_doppler = .1;
numSNR = length(SNR_range);
tau = [1 2 3 4];
pdb = [1 .6 .8 .5];

%Channel Defintion
hchan_rayleigh = rayleighchan(t_sampling ,f_doppler ,tau ,pdb); %Rayleigh Channel
hchan_rayleigh.ResetBeforeFiltering = 0;

BER = zeros(1 ,numSNR); %BER Vector

i = 0;
for SNR = SNR_range
i = i + 1;
x_in = randi ([0,M-1] ,length_x_in ,1); %message signal
x_in_mod = pskmod(x_in ,M); %x_in Modulation
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%main progress%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
y = filter(hchan_rayleigh ,x_in_mod); %Received Signal Through Rayleigh Channel
y_noisy = awgn(y ,SNR);
y_compensate = filter(1 ,hchan_rayleigh.PathGains ,y_noisy); %Compensate
y_demod = pskdemod(y_compensate ,M); %y_compensate Demdulation
BER(i) = sum (xor(x_in ,y_demod)); %BER Counter

BER_Empirical = BER/length_x_in; %BER_Empirical
BER_theory = berfading(SNR_range ,’psk’ ,M ,1); %BER_theory

semilogy(SNR_range ,BER_Empirical ,’r-‘ ,SNR_range ,BER_theory ,’b-*’)
legend(‘Empirical BER’ ,’Theory BER’)
xlabel(‘SNR’) ; ylabel(‘BER’)
title(‘BER Performance in Rayleigh Channel with 4-psk Modulation’)

By: alec Tue, 12 May 2015 07:09:00 +0000 hello friends
i want to plot the ber in rayleigh channel,but my graph is false.who can say why?

my code is as the following:

N=10^6; %Number of BPSK symbols to transmit

M = 4; %constellation

m = log2(M); %number of bits in eath symbol

SNR = 0:2:20; %signal to noise ratio(dB)

var_n = 0.01;

numSNR = length(SNR);

simBER_rayleigh =zeros(1 ,length(SNR));

x=randi([0,1] ,1 ,N);

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%main progress%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

for i = 1:numSNR

noise = 1/sqrt(2) *(randn(1 ,N) +1i*randn(1 ,N));

% n = sqrt (var_n / var (n) )*n;

h = 1/sqrt(2) *(randn(1 ,N) +1i*randn(1 ,N));

n = noise.*10^(-SNR(i) /20);

y_rayleigh =h.*x +n;

%Coherent Receiver for Rayleigh Channel

y_rayleigh_cap = y_rayleigh./h;

r_rayleigh = real(y_rayleigh_cap)>0;

simBER_rayleigh(i) = sum(xor (x ,r_rayleigh));



BER = simBER_rayleigh(1 ,:) /N;
