Comments on: Simulation of Rayleigh Fading ( Clarke’s Model – sum of sinusoids method) Signal Processing for Communication Systems Mon, 29 Nov 2021 13:15:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Irfan Ullah Mon, 29 Nov 2021 13:15:32 +0000 It depends on the type of channel or in other words the surrounding environment you want to simulate. For, example for pedestrian users the extended pedestrian A model (EPA) is used in which the power delay profile (PDP) consists of 7 multipaths or if you want to simulate the vehicular environment then the EVA model s used in which the channel is simulated with 9 paths. While in ETU the number of paths are the same (9) as EVA channel.

By: phani tej Mon, 30 Oct 2017 07:16:00 +0000 Hello sir, when you have a power delay profile. We can simulate jakes model using PDP, by just multiplying the taps obtained from the PDP model to the coefficients obtained from jakes model .Is my approach correct?

By: abreweryofhops Thu, 12 Oct 2017 21:01:00 +0000 I find this description slightly confusing.

The initial explanation is in terms of an L-tap FIR, L being the number of reflections, which makes inuitive sense. I was expecting a derivation for the FIR tap weights.

Instead, the derivation generates an overall impulse response which now requires a (complex) convolution to get the response to the input signal.

Is that right ?

y = x h

where is the convolution operator.

Which should end up being,

[real(x) real(h) – imag(x) imag(h)] + j[real(x) imag(h) + imag(x) real*h)]

which requires 4 N point convolutions.

By: farid Wed, 14 Sep 2016 12:40:00 +0000 Hi,

I work alone on my project of final year (enginner in telecommunications)
I have not found results about code of comparaison BICM and BICM-ID in the cannal AWGN and Rayleigh systems with matlab.

can you help me with small code matlab


By: Mathuranathan Fri, 02 Sep 2016 09:12:00 +0000 In reply to dongmo.

sorry. I do not have code right now. I will add it in the queue for the future posts

By: dongmo Sun, 28 Aug 2016 19:46:00 +0000 please Sir Mathuranathan can you help me with small code matlab to generate the impulse response of rice channel?

By: Dzoni Wed, 09 Dec 2015 17:36:00 +0000 Hi, great article!
Would you please be so kind to help me about my student project? I believe it’s a couple minutes for you.

Can you generate mathlab code for OFDM Double Rayleigh fading? It would help me a lot. Thank you.
Best regards.

By: Ozan Wed, 10 Jun 2015 02:54:00 +0000 Hi,
I have a question regarding above simulation code (also specified in your book), what is the delay spread in your above code? How can we add the delay spread into code?

By: Ozan Sun, 07 Jun 2015 13:43:00 +0000 In reply to Mathuranathan.

Thank you for your support. I have a little question. Can I model the path delays, Doppler shifts of the each paths using statistical random variable model as specified in your book? I’d like to simulate 2,3 or 4 paths and change the path delays (1 ms, 5 ms, 10 ms etc.), Doppler shifts (1 Hz, 10 Hz, etc). Do I have to use the “rayleighchan” function for it? Thank you in advance.

By: Mathuranathan Thu, 04 Jun 2015 09:55:00 +0000 In reply to Ozan.

I do not have the ready-made available for this scenario. But the ebook contains all the resources required for it.

The simplest thing is to model the Rayleigh multipath as statistical random variable. The chapter 6.3 in the ebook contains the simulation code for BPSK over Rayleigh Channel. Here, the Rayleigh channel is modeled statistically. The same can be integrated in the OFDM model given in Chapter 7.

Thanks a lot for your support.
