Non-central Chi square distribution

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If squares of k independent standard normal random variables are added, it gives rise to central Chi-squared distribution with ‘k’ degrees of freedom. Instead, if squares of k independent normal random variables with non-zero means are added, it gives rise to non-central Chi-squared distribution. Non-central Chi-square distribution is related to Ricean distribution, whereas the central Chi-squared distribution is related to Rayleigh distribution.

The non-central Chi-squared distribution is a generalization of Chi-square distribution. A non-central Chi squared distribution is defined by two parameters: 1) degrees of freedom () and 2) non-centrality parameter .

As we know from previous article, the degrees of freedom specify the number of independent random variables we want to square and sum-up to make the Chi-squared distribution. Non-centrality parameter is the sum of squares of means of the each independent underlying normal random variable.

The non-centrality parameter is given by

The PDF of the non-central Chi-squared distribution having degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter is given by

Here, the random variable is central Chi-squared distributed with degrees of freedom. The factor gives the probabilities of Poisson distribution. Thus, the PDF of the non-central Chi-squared distribution can be termed as the weighted sum of Chi-squared probabilities where the weights being equal to the probabilities of Poisson distribution.

Method of Generating non-central Chi-squared random variable:

The procedure for generating the samples from a non-central Chi-squared random variable is as follows.

● For a given degree of freedom , let the normal random variables be with variances and mean respectively.
● The goal is to add squares of these independent normal random variables with variances set to one and means satisfying the condition set by equation (1).
● Set and
● Generate standard normal random variables and one normal random variable with and
● Squaring and summing-up all the random variables gives the non-central Chi-squared random variable.
● The PDF of the generated samples can be plotted using the histogram method described here.

Matlab Code:

Check this book for full Matlab code.
Wireless Communication Systems using Matlab – by Mathuranathan Viswanathan

Python Code:

Python numpy package has a nocentral_chisquare() generator, which can be used in a straightforward manner to obtain the non-central Chi square distributed sequences.

#---------Non-central Chi square distribution
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#%matplotlib inline'ggplot')

ks=np.asarray([2,4]) #degrees of freedoms to simulate
ldas = np.asarray([1,2,3]) #non-centrality parameters to simulate
nSamp=1000000 #number of samples to generate

fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, constrained_layout=True)

for i,k in enumerate(ks):
    for j,lda in enumerate(ldas):
        #Generate non-central Chi-squared distributed random numbers
        X = np.random.noncentral_chisquare(df=k, nonc = lda, size = nSamp)
        ax.hist(X,bins=500,density=True,label=r'$k$={} $\lambda$={}'.format(k,lda),\
        histtype='step',alpha=0.75, linewidth=3)

ax.set_title('PDFs of non-central Chi square distribution');
Simulated PDFs of non-central Chi-Squared random variables
Figure 1: Simulated PDFs of non-central Chi-Squared random variables

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For further reading

[1] David A. Harville, “Linear Models and the Relevant Distributions and Matrix Algebra”, 978-1138578333, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 1 edition, March 2018.↗

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Mathuranathan Viswanathan, is an author @ that has garnered worldwide readership. He is a masters in communication engineering and has 12 years of technical expertise in channel modeling and has worked in various technologies ranging from read channel, OFDM, MIMO, 3GPP PHY layer, Data Science & Machine learning.

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