A generic complex baseband simulation technique, to simulate all M-ary QAM modulation techniques is given here. The given simulation code is very generic, and it plots both simulated and theoretical symbol error rates for all M-QAM modulation techniques.
Rectangular QAM from PAM constellation
There exist other constellation shapes (like circular, triangular constellations) that are more efficient (in terms of energy required to achieve same the error probability) than the standard rectangular constellation. Rectangular (symmetric or square) constellations are the preferred choice of implementation due to its simplicity in implementing modulation and demodulation.
In one of the earlier articles, I have discussed the method of constructing constellation for rectangular QAM modulation using Karnaugh-map walks, where the inherent property of Karnaugh-maps is exploited to construct Gray coded QAM symbols.
Any rectangular QAM constellation is equivalent to superimposing two Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) signals (also called Pulse Amplitude Modulation – PAM) on quadrature carriers. For example, 16-QAM constellation points can be generated from two 4-PAM signals, similarly the 64-QAM constellation points can be generated from two 8-PAM signals.
The generic equation to generate PAM signals of dimension D is

For generating 16-QAM, the dimension D of PAM is set to . Thus for constructing a M-QAM constellation, the PAM dimension is set as
. Matlab code for dynamically generating M-QAM constellation points based on Karnaugh map Gray code walk is given below. The resulting ideal constellations for Gray coded 16-QAM and 64-QAM are shown in Figure 1.
Matlab code
function [s,ref]=mqam_modulator(M,d)
%Function to MQAM modulate the vector of data symbols - d
%[s,ref]=mqam_modulator(M,d) modulates the symbols defined by the vector d
% using MQAM modulation, where M specifies order of M-QAM modulation and
% vector d contains symbols whose values range 1:M. The output s is modulated
% output and ref represents reference constellation that can be used in demod
if(((M˜=1) && ˜mod(floor(log2(M)),2))==0), %M not a even power of 2
error('Only Square MQAM supported. M must be even power of 2');
ref=constructQAM(M); %construct reference constellation
s=ref(d); %map information symbols to modulated symbols
Python code
Full Matlab code available in the book Digital Modulations using Python
class QAMModem(Modem):
# Derived class: QAMModem
def __init__(self,M):
if (M==1) or (np.mod(np.log2(M),2)!=0): # M not a even power of 2
raise ValueError('Only square MQAM supported. M must be even power of 2')
n = np.arange(0,M) # Sequential address from 0 to M-1 (1xM dimension)
a = np.asarray([xˆ(x>>1) for x in n]) #convert linear addresses to Gray code
D = np.sqrt(M).astype(int) #Dimension of K-Map - N x N matrix
a = np.reshape(a,(D,D)) # NxN gray coded matrix
oddRows=np.arange(start = 1, stop = D ,step=2) # identify alternate rows
nGray=np.reshape(a,(M)) # reshape to 1xM - Gray code walk on KMap
#Construction of ideal M-QAM constellation from sqrt(M)-PAM
(x,y)=np.divmod(nGray,D) #element-wise quotient and remainder
Ax=2*x+1-D # PAM Amplitudes 2d+1-D - real axis
Ay=2*y+1-D # PAM Amplitudes 2d+1-D - imag axis
constellation = Ax+1j*Ay
Modem.__init__(self, M, constellation, name='QAM') #set the modem attributes
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M-QAM demodulation (coherent detection)
Generally the two main categories of detection techniques, commonly applied for detecting the digitally modulated data are coherent detection and non-coherent detection.
In the vector simulation model for the coherent detection, the transmitter and receiver agree on the same
reference constellation for modulating and demodulating the information. The modulators generate the reference constellation for the selected modulation type. The same reference constellation should be used if coherent detection is selected as the method of demodulating the received data vector.
On the other hand, in the non-coherent detection, the receiver is oblivious to the reference constellation used at the transmitter. The receiver uses methods like envelope detection to demodulate the data.
The IQ detection technique is an example of coherent detection. In the IQ detection technique, the first step is to compute the pair-wise Euclidean distance between the given two vectors – reference array and the received symbols corrupted with noise. Each symbol in the received symbol vector (represented on a p-dimensional plane) should be compared with every symbol in the reference array. Next, the symbols, from the reference array, that provide the minimum Euclidean distance are returned.
Let x=(x1,x2,…,xp) and y=(y1,y2,…,yp) be two points in p-dimensional space. The Euclidean distance between them is given by

The pair-wise Euclidean distance between two sets of vectors, say x and y, on a p-dimensional space, can be computed using the vectorized code. The vectorized code returns the ideal signaling points from matrix y that provides the minimum Euclidean distance. Since the vectorized implementation is devoid of nested for-loops, the program executes significantly faster for larger input matrices. The given code is very generic in the sense that it can be easily reused to implement optimum coherent receivers for any N-dimensional digital modulation technique (Please refer the books Digital Modulations using Matlab and Digital Modulations using Python for complete simulation code) .
Matlab code
Full Matlab code available in the book Digital Modulations using Matlab
function [dCap]= mqam_detector(M,r)
%Function to detect MQAM modulated symbols
%[dCap]= mqam_detector(M,r) detects the received MQAM signal points
%points - 'r'. M is the modulation level of MQAM
if(((M˜=1) && ˜mod(floor(log2(M)),2))==0), %M not a even power of 2
error('Only Square MQAM supported. M must be even power of 2');
ref=constructQAM(M); %reference constellation for MQAM
[˜,dCap]= iqOptDetector(r,ref); %IQ detection
Python code
Full Matlab code available in the book Digital Modulations using Python
Performance simulation results
The simulation results for error rate performance of M-QAM modulations over AWGN channel and Rician flat-fading channel is given in the following figures.

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[1] John G. Proakis, “Digital Communciations”, McGraw-Hill; 5th edition.↗
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Books by the author
![]() Wireless Communication Systems in Matlab Second Edition(PDF) Note: There is a rating embedded within this post, please visit this post to rate it. | ![]() Digital Modulations using Python (PDF ebook) Note: There is a rating embedded within this post, please visit this post to rate it. | ![]() Digital Modulations using Matlab (PDF ebook) Note: There is a rating embedded within this post, please visit this post to rate it. |
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If I wanted to use this technique to construct a constellation for 64QAM would I use levels: {-7, -5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7}
and for 256QAM {-11, -9, -7, -5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11} ?
Its easier to utilize Karnaugh Map baed gray code walks for generating the constellation for higher level QAMs. The method is available here:
This ebook contains the full implementation details
How negotiate both sites of a QAM based link the symbol mapping which is to be use? Is there any procedure standardized?
Any given standards has its own way of negotiating the link. Lets see how it is done in LTE.
LTE offers all possible combination of resource allocation that combines different time Domain, frequency Domain and the modulation schemes. The question now is how can the receiver know exactly in which time slot , at what frequency and in which modulation format the sender is sending the information. Without knowing this information, the receiver cannot decode the captured signal. LTE has standardized the art of knowing this information using the term “DCI(Downlink Control Indicator)”.
DCI carries all the necessary information for decoding the received data at the receiver. It carries details like – “the exact resource block the carries data”, “the type of demodulation the receiver must use” , etc..,
Not only in LTE, other wireless standards also has similar indicators. For example, in WCDMA R99 slot format and TFCI carries those information and in HSDPA HS-SCCH carries those information.
You may refer this book for more details
Any given standards has its own way of negotiating the link. Lets see how it is done in LTE.
LTE offers all possible combination of resource allocation that combines different time Domain, frequency Domain and the modulation schemes. The question now is how can the receiver know exactly in which time slot , at what frequency and in which modulation format the sender is sending the information. Without knowing this information, the receiver cannot decode the captured signal. LTE has standardized the art of knowing this information using the term “DCI(Downlink Control Indicator)”.
DCI carries all the necessary information for decoding the received data at the receiver. It carries details like – “the exact resource block the carries data”, “the type of demodulation the receiver must use” , etc..,
Not only in LTE, other wireless standards also has similar indicators. For example, in WCDMA R99 slot format and TFCI carries those information and in HSDPA HS-SCCH carries those information.
You may refer this book for more details
but if using k-map method, so we know the position of mapping point only. what about its phase and its amplitude? how to get it if i use k-map method?
How about constructing a constellation with a 16-qam diamond pattern?
Yes, it is possible. Just recognize the fact that a diamond constellation is just 90* rotated version of square constellation.
do you have any book or journal which explain about constructing constellation using karnaugh map? because i am very interested with this method.
If you have, please give me the link address. Thankyou…
I am not sure whether you have checked this post on constellation construction using K-maps.
can we use karnaugh maps to constructing a rectangular constellation for 256 qam ?
Any NxN (square constellation) QAM can be constructed using the same Karnaugh map methodology above
Mathuranathan, can you show/send me the source of gray codes please?
Please see here: https://www.gaussianwaves.com/2012/10/natural-binary-codes-and-gray-codes/
are you sure bout this, because in table we can see that 00,01,11,10.
Why not 00,01,10,11? i think it must be chronological.. cmiiw
in the sequence 00,01,11,10, only one bit is allowed to change, example: gray coding. That is the basis of K-map
K-map and gray mapping are same or not?
thanks, this really helps. but what about for M=4. the neighboring symbols differ more than one bit
This is the mapping for M=4 QAM constellation using two variable K-map where the neighboring symbols differ only by one bit. Note: ’01’ and ’10’ are not neighbors in this square constellation as they are diametrically opposite, same goes for ’00’ and ’11’ too.