Key focus: Know how to estimate unknown parameters using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method.
As mentioned in the previous post, it is often required to estimate parameters that are unknown to the receiver. For example, if a fading channel is encountered in a communication system, it is desirable to estimate the channel response and cancel out the fading effects during reception.
Assumption and model selection:
For any estimation algorithm, certain assumptions have to be made. One of the main assumption is choosing an appropriate model for estimation. The chosen model should produce minimum statistical deviation and therefore should provide a “good fit”. A metric is often employed to determine the “goodness of fit”. Tests like “likelihood ratio test”, “Chi-Square test”, “Akaike Information Criterion” etc.., are used to measure the goodness of the assumed statistical model and decisions are made on the validity of the model assumption.
To keep things simple, we will consider only polynomial models.
Observed data and Least Squares estimation:
Suppose, an experiment is performed and the following data points are observed in the following table. The variable
The aim of the experiment is to fit the experiment into a model with appropriate parameters. Once we know the model, we no longer need to perform the experiment to determine the output for any given arbitrary input. All we need to do is to use the model and generate the desired output.
Generic outline of an estimation algorithm:
We have a very small number of data points and it is four in our case. To illustrate the concept, we will choose linear model for parameter estimation. Higher order models will certainly give better performance. Remember!!! More the polynomial order, more is the number of parameters to be estimated and therefore the computational complexity will be more. It is necessary to strike a balance between the required performance and the model order.
We assume that the data points follow a linear trend. So, the linear model is chosen for the estimation problem.
Now the estimation problem simplifies to finding the parameters
Next step is to solve for the above mentioned simultaneous equation based on least square error criterion. According to the criterion, the estimated values for
Let’s define the term – “error” for the above mentioned system of simultaneous equations. Error (which is a function of the model parameters) for one data point is the difference between the observed data and the data from the estimated model.
The sum of all squared errors is given by
Next step is to solve for
How do we find that? Employ calculus to find that. Separately take the partial derivative of
Solving the above simultaneous equations leads to the following solution
Thus, the model becomes
Solving using Matrices:
A system of simultaneous equations can be solved by Matrix manipulation. In DSP implementation of estimation algorithm, it is often convenient to work in matrix domain (especially when the number of data points becomes larger). Linear algebra is extensively used in implementing estimation algorithms on DSP processors.
The above mentioned set of data points can be represented in matrix notation as
The set of simultaneous equations shrinks to
Given the criterion that the solution to the above equation must satisfy the minimum total squared error $latex S(\alpha)$,
The above equation simply denotes that the estimated parameter
The simultaneous equation mentioned above is a very simple case taken for illustration. For a generic case,
Usually, the above mentioned simultaneous equation may not have a unique solution. Unique solution exists if and only if all the columns of the matrix
For an orthogonal matrix, transpose and inverse are equivalent. That is,
Under this orthogonality condition, system of simultaneous equations become,
The solution is obtained by finding,
The aforementioned solution involves the computation of inverse of the matrix
This leads us to the next topic : “Cholesky Decomposition”
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Estimating model order ‘N’ can be done by several methods.
1) Akaike Information Criteria (AIC)
2) Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC)
3) Cross- validation
4) Visual inspection of Auto Correlation Function (ACF) and Partial Auto Correlation Function (PACF) if the data can be fitted to AR MA models
How to estimate N