Cholesky decomposition: Python & Matlab

Cholesky decomposition is an efficient method for inversion of symmetric positive-definite matrices. Let’s demonstrate the method in Python and Matlab.

Cholesky factor

Any symmetric positive definite matrix can be factored as

where is lower triangular matrix. The lower triangular matrix is often called “Cholesky Factor of ”. The matrix can be interpreted as square root of the positive definite matrix .

Basic Algorithm to find Cholesky Factorization:

Note: In the following text, the variables represented in Greek letters represent scalar values, the variables represented in small Latin letters are column vectors and the variables represented in capital Latin letters are Matrices.

Given a positive definite matrix , it is partitioned as follows.

first element of and respectively
column vector at first column starting from second row of and respectively
remaining lower part of the matrix of and respectively of size

Having partitioned the matrix as shown above, the Cholesky factorization can be computed by the following iterative procedure.

Steps in computing the Cholesky factorization:

Step 1: Compute the scalar:
Step 2: Compute the column vector:
Step 3: Compute the matrix :
Step 4: Replace with , i.e,
Step 5: Repeat from step 1 till the matrix size at Step 4 becomes .

Matlab Program (implementing the above algorithm):

Function 1: [F]=cholesky(A,option)

function [F]=cholesky(A,option)
%Function to find the Cholesky factor of a Positive Definite matrix A
%Author Mathuranathan for
%Licensed under Creative Commons: CC-NC-BY-SA 3.0
%A = positive definite matrix
%Option can be one of the following 'Lower','Upper'
%L = Cholesky factorizaton of A such that A=LL^T
%If option ='Lower', then it returns the Cholesky factored matrix L in
%lower triangular form
%If option ='Upper', then it returns the Cholesky factored matrix L in
%upper triangular form    

%Test for positive definiteness (symmetricity need to satisfy)
%Check if the matrix is symmetric
if ~isequal(A,A'),
    error('Input Matrix is not Symmetric');
if isPositiveDefinite(A),
    L=zeros(m,m);%Initialize to all zeros
    for i=1:m,
        if(m~=1), %Reached the last partition
    switch nargin
        case 2
            if strcmpi(option,'upper'),F=L';
                if strcmpi(option,'lower'),F=L;
                else error('Invalid option');
        case 1
            error('Not enough input arguments')
        error('Given Matrix A is NOT Positive definite');

Function 2: x=isPositiveDefinite(A)

function x=isPositiveDefinite(A)
%Function to check whether a given matrix A is positive definite
%Author Mathuranathan for
%Licensed under Creative Commons: CC-NC-BY-SA 3.0
%Returns x=1, if the input matrix is positive definite
%Returns x=0, if the input matrix is not positive definite
%Test for positive definiteness
x=1; %Flag to check for positiveness
for i=1:m
    subA=A(1:i,1:i); %Extract upper left kxk submatrix
    if(det(subA)<=0); %Check if the determinent of the kxk submatrix is +ve
%For debug
%if x, display('Given Matrix is Positive definite');
%else display('Given Matrix is NOT positive definite'); end    

Sample Run:

A is a randomly generated positive definite matrix. To generate a random positive definite matrix check the link in “external link” section below.

>> A=[3.3821 ,0.8784,0.3613,-2.0349; 0.8784, 2.0068, 0.5587, 0.1169; 0.3613, 0.5587, 3.6656, 0.7807; -2.0349, 0.1169, 0.7807, 2.5397];

>> cholesky(A,’Lower’) 

>> cholesky(A,’upper’) 

Python (numpy)

Let us verify the above results using Python’s Numpy package. The numpy package numpy.linalg contains the cholesky function for computing the Cholesky decomposition (returns in lower triangular matrix form). It can be summoned as follows

>>> import numpy as np

>>> A=[[3.3821 ,0.8784,0.3613,-2.0349],\
       [0.8784, 2.0068, 0.5587, 0.1169],\
       [0.3613, 0.5587, 3.6656, 0.7807],\
       [-2.0349, 0.1169, 0.7807, 2.5397]]
>>> np.linalg.cholesky(A)
array([[ 1.83904867,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
       [ 0.47763826,  1.33366476,  0.        ,  0.        ],
       [ 0.19646027,  0.34856065,  1.87230041,  0.        ],
       [-1.106496  ,  0.48393333,  0.44298574,  0.94071184]])

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Mathuranathan Viswanathan, is an author @ that has garnered worldwide readership. He is a masters in communication engineering and has 12 years of technical expertise in channel modeling and has worked in various technologies ranging from read channel, OFDM, MIMO, 3GPP PHY layer, Data Science & Machine learning.

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