Since you have landed on this page, probably you are looking for an opportunity to write for this website. I assume that you have looked around and you know that I take this website seriously. I am committed to adding value to my readers and to you as an author.
I am currently accepting guest posts from sincere and credible readers like you. You do not need to have a great content to start with. You can even share what you have learned about a fascinating concept.
You can go here directly and start writing your post. Be sure to login before writing the post
- Your post must be original and not previously published either on the Web or in print.
- You can include images (must not be copyrighted or copied from some other websites) in your post
- You agree not to publish it anywhere else, including your own blog or Web site. You may, however, post a brief summary on your site that links to the post.
- You may provide up to three byline links: one for your blog or Web site, one for your bio or About page, and one for your Linkedin URL.
- Your post should be at least 300 words long and no more than 800 words.
- You must register yourself as a member on this website: To do so, just login here with the list of available social network login option
- You must have a profile picture of yourself. As you as you log in your profile picture from the social network will be automatically used. You can change this any time.
Your articles can fall into any of the following categories:
- Research article (empirical-quantitative and qualitative- and/or theoretical)
- Research note/Tutorials
- Blog posts on a particular topic
- Code snippets (Matlab,python,C,C++ etc..,) – tips and tricks
- Book reviews
- Project reports
Your articles can be in the field of electrical/electronics/communication/computer engineering discipline. The intended discipline spans a wide range of sub-disciplines such as signal processing, communications, electronics design, applied mathematics for signal processing, biomedical signal processing, Image processing etc., You could also choose a specific list of disciplines , some example listed below.
- Multichannel & multimodal signal processing
- Audio/Speech processing
- Biomedical signal processing
- Image/multimedia processing
- Analog Communications
- Digital communications
- Implementation, design, and hardware for signal processing/communications
- Statistical signal processing
- Random process and Probability
- Applied mathematics related to electrical/electronics/communication/computer engineering
- Electronic Circuits
- VLSI/embedded/etc..,
- I will likely redact your post for grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. If I make substantive changes (unlikely), I will email the post back to you for your approval before posting.
Responding to comments
Please confirm that you are willing to engage with my readers in the comments about your post. This is hugely important and a non-negotiable. My readers have come to expect this. You may need to login in the comment section using a disqus account for this.
If your post meets the above guidelines, please go ahead write post in the form given below. Alternatively, you can also send your post as MS DOC to [email protected]
Once your content is finalized, I will publish your articles under your name. At anytime, you can populate your social media profiles for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and your Author Bio for your account. Make sure you are happy with the details about your author profile.
[email protected]
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