Square-root raised-cosine pulse shaping

Raised-cosine (RC) pulse shaping filter is generally employed at the transmitter. In time domain, a matched filter at the receiver is the mirrored copy of the impulse response of the transmit pulse shaping filter.

In square-root raised cosine (SRRC) filtering, the task of raised cosine filtering is equally split between the transmit and receive filters. The combined impulse response of two SRRC filters is same as the impulse response of the RC filter

Raised cosine pulse shaping

As mentioned earlier, the shortcomings of the sinc pulse can be addressed by making the transition band in the frequency domain less abrupt. The raised-cosine (RC) pulse comes with an adjustable transition band roll-off parameter , using which the transition band’s rate of decay can be controlled. The RC pulse shaping function is expressed in … Read more

Sinc pulse shaping

Key focus: Sinc pulse shaping of transmitted bits, offers minimum bandwidth and avoids intersymbol interference. Discuss its practical considerations & simulation. Sinc pulse shaping As suggested in the earlier post, the pulse shape that avoids ISI with the least amount of bandwidth is a sinc pulse of bandwidth . Here, is the baud rate of … Read more

Rectangular pulse shaping – simulation model

Key focus: Rectangular pulse shaping with abrupt transitions eliminates intersymbol interference, but it has infinitely extending frequency response. Simulation discussed. Rectangular pulse A rectangular pulse with abrupt transitions is a natural choice for eliminating ISI. If an information sequence is shaped as rectangular pulses, at the symbol sampling instants, the interference due to other symbols … Read more