Module DigiCommPy.channels


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from numpy import sum,isrealobj,sqrt
from numpy.random import standard_normal

def awgn(s,SNRdB,L=1):
    AWGN channel
    Add AWGN noise to input signal. The function adds AWGN noise vector to signal
    's' to generate a resulting signal vector 'r' of specified SNR in dB. It also
    returns the noise vector 'n' that is added to the signal 's' and the power
    spectral density N0 of noise added
        s : input/transmitted signal vector
        SNRdB : desired signal to noise ratio (expressed in dB)
            for the received signal
        L : oversampling factor (applicable for waveform simulation)
            default L = 1.
        r : received signal vector (r=s+n)
    gamma = 10**(SNRdB/10) #SNR to linear scale
    if s.ndim==1:# if s is single dimensional vector
        P=L*sum(abs(s)**2)/len(s) #Actual power in the vector
    else: # multi-dimensional signals like MFSK
        P=L*sum(sum(abs(s)**2))/len(s) # if s is a matrix [MxN]
    N0=P/gamma # Find the noise spectral density    
    if isrealobj(s):# check if input is real/complex object type
        n = sqrt(N0/2)*standard_normal(s.shape) # computed noise
        n = sqrt(N0/2)*(standard_normal(s.shape)+1j*standard_normal(s.shape))
    r = s + n # received signal    
    return r

def rayleighFading(N):
    Generate Rayleigh flat-fading channel samples
        N : number of samples to generate
        abs_h : Rayleigh flat fading samples
    # 1 tap complex gaussian filter
    h = 1/sqrt(2)*(standard_normal(N)+1j*standard_normal(N))
    return abs(h)

def ricianFading(K_dB,N):
    Generate Rician flat-fading channel samples
        K_dB: Rician K factor in dB scale
        N : number of samples to generate
        abs_h : Rician flat fading samples
    K = 10**(K_dB/10) # K factor in linear scale
    mu = sqrt(K/(2*(K+1))) # mean
    sigma = sqrt(1/(2*(K+1))) # sigma
    h = (sigma*standard_normal(N)+mu)+1j*(sigma*standard_normal(N)+mu)
    return abs(h)


def awgn(s, SNRdB, L=1)

AWGN channel

Add AWGN noise to input signal. The function adds AWGN noise vector to signal 's' to generate a resulting signal vector 'r' of specified SNR in dB. It also returns the noise vector 'n' that is added to the signal 's' and the power spectral density N0 of noise added


s : input/transmitted signal vector
SNRdB : desired signal to noise ratio (expressed in dB)
for the received signal
L : oversampling factor (applicable for waveform simulation)
default L = 1.


r : received signal vector (r=s+n)
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def awgn(s,SNRdB,L=1):
    AWGN channel
    Add AWGN noise to input signal. The function adds AWGN noise vector to signal
    's' to generate a resulting signal vector 'r' of specified SNR in dB. It also
    returns the noise vector 'n' that is added to the signal 's' and the power
    spectral density N0 of noise added
        s : input/transmitted signal vector
        SNRdB : desired signal to noise ratio (expressed in dB)
            for the received signal
        L : oversampling factor (applicable for waveform simulation)
            default L = 1.
        r : received signal vector (r=s+n)
    gamma = 10**(SNRdB/10) #SNR to linear scale
    if s.ndim==1:# if s is single dimensional vector
        P=L*sum(abs(s)**2)/len(s) #Actual power in the vector
    else: # multi-dimensional signals like MFSK
        P=L*sum(sum(abs(s)**2))/len(s) # if s is a matrix [MxN]
    N0=P/gamma # Find the noise spectral density    
    if isrealobj(s):# check if input is real/complex object type
        n = sqrt(N0/2)*standard_normal(s.shape) # computed noise
        n = sqrt(N0/2)*(standard_normal(s.shape)+1j*standard_normal(s.shape))
    r = s + n # received signal    
    return r
def rayleighFading(N)

Generate Rayleigh flat-fading channel samples


N : number of samples to generate


abs_h : Rayleigh flat fading samples
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def rayleighFading(N):
    Generate Rayleigh flat-fading channel samples
        N : number of samples to generate
        abs_h : Rayleigh flat fading samples
    # 1 tap complex gaussian filter
    h = 1/sqrt(2)*(standard_normal(N)+1j*standard_normal(N))
    return abs(h)
def ricianFading(K_dB, N)

Generate Rician flat-fading channel samples


Rician K factor in dB scale
N : number of samples to generate


abs_h : Rician flat fading samples
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def ricianFading(K_dB,N):
    Generate Rician flat-fading channel samples
        K_dB: Rician K factor in dB scale
        N : number of samples to generate
        abs_h : Rician flat fading samples
    K = 10**(K_dB/10) # K factor in linear scale
    mu = sqrt(K/(2*(K+1))) # mean
    sigma = sqrt(1/(2*(K+1))) # sigma
    h = (sigma*standard_normal(N)+mu)+1j*(sigma*standard_normal(N)+mu)
    return abs(h)
def standard_normal(...)


Draw samples from a standard Normal distribution (mean=0, stdev=1).


size : int or tuple of ints, optional
Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn. Default is None, in which case a single value is returned.


out : float or ndarray
Drawn samples.


>>> s = np.random.standard_normal(8000)
>>> s
array([ 0.6888893 ,  0.78096262, -0.89086505, ...,  0.49876311, #random

   -0.38672696, -0.4685006 ])                               #random

>>> s.shape
>>> s = np.random.standard_normal(size=(3, 4, 2))
>>> s.shape
(3, 4, 2)