Module DigiCommPy.equalizers


@author: Mathuranathan Viswanathan Created on Aug 22, 2019

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@author: Mathuranathan Viswanathan
Created on Aug 22, 2019
import numpy as np
import abc

class Equalizer():
    # Base class: Equalizer (Abstract base class)
    # Attribute definitions:
    #    self.N: length of the equalizer
    #    self.w : equalizer weights
    #    self.delay : optimized equalizer delay
    def __init__(self,N): # constructor for N tap FIR equalizer
        self.N = N
        self.w = np.zeros(N)
        self.opt_delay = 0
    def design(self): #Abstract method
        "Design the equalizer for the given impulse response and SNR"
    def convMatrix(self,h,p):
        Construct the convolution matrix of size (N+p-1)x p from the
        input matrix h of size N. (see chapter 1)
            h : numpy vector of length L
            p : scalar value
            H : convolution matrix of size (L+p-1)xp
        from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
        return H
    def equalize(self,inputSamples):
        Equalize the given input samples and produces the output
            inputSamples : signal to be equalized
            equalizedSamples: equalized output samples
        #convolve input with equalizer tap weights
        equalizedSamples = np.convolve(inputSamples,self.w)
        return equalizedSamples    
class zeroForcing(Equalizer): #Class zero-forcing equalizer
    def design(self,h,delay=None): #override method in Equalizer abstract class
        Design a zero forcing equalizer for given channel impulse response (CIR).
        If the tap delay is not given, a delay optimized equalizer is designed
            h : channel impulse response
            delay: desired equalizer delay (optional)
        Returns: MSE: Mean Squared Error for the designed equalizer
        L = len(h)
        H = self.convMatrix(h,self.N) #(L+N-1)xN matrix - see Chapter 1
        # compute optimum delay based on MSE
        Hp = np.linalg.pinv(H) #Moore-Penrose Pseudo inverse
        #get index of maximum value using argmax, @ for matrix multiply
        opt_delay = np.argmax(np.diag(H @ Hp))
        self.opt_delay = opt_delay #optimized delay
        if delay==None:
        elif delay >=(L+self.N-1):
            raise ValueError('Given delay is too large delay (should be < L+N-1')
        k0 = delay
        d=np.zeros(self.N+L-1);d[k0]=1 #optimized position of equalizer delay
        self.w=Hp @ d # Least Squares solution, @ for matrix multiply
        MSE=(1-d.T @ H @ Hp @ d) #MSE and err are equivalent,@ for matrix multiply
        return MSE

class MMSEEQ(Equalizer): #Class MMSE Equalizer
    def design(self,h,snr,delay=None): #override method in Equalizer abstract class
        Design a MMSE equalizer for given channel impulse response (CIR) and
        signal to noise ratio (SNR). If the tap delay is not given, a delay
        optimized equalizer is designed
            h : channel impulse response
            snr: input signal to noise ratio in dB scale
            delay: desired equalizer delay (optional)
        Returns: MSE: Mean Squared Error for the designed equalizer
        L = len(h)
        H=self.convMatrix(h,self.N) #(L+N-1)xN matrix - see Chapter 1
        gamma = 10**(-snr/10) # inverse of SNR
        # compute optimum delay
        opt_delay = np.argmax(np.diag(H @ np.linalg.inv(H.T @ H+gamma * np.eye(self.N))@ H.T)) # @ for matrix multiply
        self.opt_delay = opt_delay #optimized delay
        if delay==None:
        if delay >=(L+self.N-1):
            raise ValueError('Given delay is too large delay (should be < L+N-1')
        k0 = delay
        d[k0]=1 # optimized position of equalizer delay
        # Least Squares solution, @ for matrix multiply
        self.w=np.linalg.inv(H.T @ H+ gamma * np.eye(self.N))@ H.T @ d
        # assume var(a)=1, @ for matrix multiply
        MSE=(1-d.T @ H @ np.linalg.inv(H.T @ H+gamma * np.eye(self.N)) @ H.T @ d)
        return MSE
class LMSEQ(Equalizer): #Class LMS adaptive equalizer
    def design(self,mu,r,a):
        Design an adaptive FIR filter using LMS update equations (Training Mode)
            N : desired length of the filter
            mu : step size for the LMS update
            r : received/input sequence
            a: reference sequence
        N =self.N
        w = np.zeros(N)
        for k in range(N, len(r)):
            r_vector = r[k:k-N:-1]
            e = a[k] - w @ r_vector.T # @ denotes matrix multiplication
            w = w + mu * e * r_vector # @ denotes matrix multiplication
        self.w = w #set the final filter coefficients    


class Equalizer (N)
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class Equalizer():
    # Base class: Equalizer (Abstract base class)
    # Attribute definitions:
    #    self.N: length of the equalizer
    #    self.w : equalizer weights
    #    self.delay : optimized equalizer delay
    def __init__(self,N): # constructor for N tap FIR equalizer
        self.N = N
        self.w = np.zeros(N)
        self.opt_delay = 0
    def design(self): #Abstract method
        "Design the equalizer for the given impulse response and SNR"
    def convMatrix(self,h,p):
        Construct the convolution matrix of size (N+p-1)x p from the
        input matrix h of size N. (see chapter 1)
            h : numpy vector of length L
            p : scalar value
            H : convolution matrix of size (L+p-1)xp
        from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
        return H
    def equalize(self,inputSamples):
        Equalize the given input samples and produces the output
            inputSamples : signal to be equalized
            equalizedSamples: equalized output samples
        #convolve input with equalizer tap weights
        equalizedSamples = np.convolve(inputSamples,self.w)
        return equalizedSamples    



def convMatrix(self, h, p)

Construct the convolution matrix of size (N+p-1)x p from the input matrix h of size N. (see chapter 1)


h : numpy vector of length L
p : scalar value


H : convolution matrix of size (L+p-1)xp
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def convMatrix(self,h,p):
    Construct the convolution matrix of size (N+p-1)x p from the
    input matrix h of size N. (see chapter 1)
        h : numpy vector of length L
        p : scalar value
        H : convolution matrix of size (L+p-1)xp
    from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
    return H
def design(self)

Design the equalizer for the given impulse response and SNR

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def design(self): #Abstract method
    "Design the equalizer for the given impulse response and SNR"
def equalize(self, inputSamples)

Equalize the given input samples and produces the output


inputSamples : signal to be equalized


equalized output samples
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def equalize(self,inputSamples):
    Equalize the given input samples and produces the output
        inputSamples : signal to be equalized
        equalizedSamples: equalized output samples
    #convolve input with equalizer tap weights
    equalizedSamples = np.convolve(inputSamples,self.w)
    return equalizedSamples    
class LMSEQ (N)
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class LMSEQ(Equalizer): #Class LMS adaptive equalizer
    def design(self,mu,r,a):
        Design an adaptive FIR filter using LMS update equations (Training Mode)
            N : desired length of the filter
            mu : step size for the LMS update
            r : received/input sequence
            a: reference sequence
        N =self.N
        w = np.zeros(N)
        for k in range(N, len(r)):
            r_vector = r[k:k-N:-1]
            e = a[k] - w @ r_vector.T # @ denotes matrix multiplication
            w = w + mu * e * r_vector # @ denotes matrix multiplication
        self.w = w #set the final filter coefficients    



def design(self, mu, r, a)

Design an adaptive FIR filter using LMS update equations (Training Mode)


N : desired length of the filter
mu : step size for the LMS update
r : received/input sequence
reference sequence
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def design(self,mu,r,a):
    Design an adaptive FIR filter using LMS update equations (Training Mode)
        N : desired length of the filter
        mu : step size for the LMS update
        r : received/input sequence
        a: reference sequence
    N =self.N
    w = np.zeros(N)
    for k in range(N, len(r)):
        r_vector = r[k:k-N:-1]
        e = a[k] - w @ r_vector.T # @ denotes matrix multiplication
        w = w + mu * e * r_vector # @ denotes matrix multiplication
    self.w = w #set the final filter coefficients    

Inherited members

class MMSEEQ (N)
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class MMSEEQ(Equalizer): #Class MMSE Equalizer
    def design(self,h,snr,delay=None): #override method in Equalizer abstract class
        Design a MMSE equalizer for given channel impulse response (CIR) and
        signal to noise ratio (SNR). If the tap delay is not given, a delay
        optimized equalizer is designed
            h : channel impulse response
            snr: input signal to noise ratio in dB scale
            delay: desired equalizer delay (optional)
        Returns: MSE: Mean Squared Error for the designed equalizer
        L = len(h)
        H=self.convMatrix(h,self.N) #(L+N-1)xN matrix - see Chapter 1
        gamma = 10**(-snr/10) # inverse of SNR
        # compute optimum delay
        opt_delay = np.argmax(np.diag(H @ np.linalg.inv(H.T @ H+gamma * np.eye(self.N))@ H.T)) # @ for matrix multiply
        self.opt_delay = opt_delay #optimized delay
        if delay==None:
        if delay >=(L+self.N-1):
            raise ValueError('Given delay is too large delay (should be < L+N-1')
        k0 = delay
        d[k0]=1 # optimized position of equalizer delay
        # Least Squares solution, @ for matrix multiply
        self.w=np.linalg.inv(H.T @ H+ gamma * np.eye(self.N))@ H.T @ d
        # assume var(a)=1, @ for matrix multiply
        MSE=(1-d.T @ H @ np.linalg.inv(H.T @ H+gamma * np.eye(self.N)) @ H.T @ d)
        return MSE



def design(self, h, snr, delay=None)

Design a MMSE equalizer for given channel impulse response (CIR) and signal to noise ratio (SNR). If the tap delay is not given, a delay optimized equalizer is designed


h : channel impulse response
input signal to noise ratio in dB scale
desired equalizer delay (optional)
Returns : MSE: Mean Squared Error for the designed equalizer
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def design(self,h,snr,delay=None): #override method in Equalizer abstract class
    Design a MMSE equalizer for given channel impulse response (CIR) and
    signal to noise ratio (SNR). If the tap delay is not given, a delay
    optimized equalizer is designed
        h : channel impulse response
        snr: input signal to noise ratio in dB scale
        delay: desired equalizer delay (optional)
    Returns: MSE: Mean Squared Error for the designed equalizer
    L = len(h)
    H=self.convMatrix(h,self.N) #(L+N-1)xN matrix - see Chapter 1
    gamma = 10**(-snr/10) # inverse of SNR
    # compute optimum delay
    opt_delay = np.argmax(np.diag(H @ np.linalg.inv(H.T @ H+gamma * np.eye(self.N))@ H.T)) # @ for matrix multiply
    self.opt_delay = opt_delay #optimized delay
    if delay==None:
    if delay >=(L+self.N-1):
        raise ValueError('Given delay is too large delay (should be < L+N-1')
    k0 = delay
    d[k0]=1 # optimized position of equalizer delay
    # Least Squares solution, @ for matrix multiply
    self.w=np.linalg.inv(H.T @ H+ gamma * np.eye(self.N))@ H.T @ d
    # assume var(a)=1, @ for matrix multiply
    MSE=(1-d.T @ H @ np.linalg.inv(H.T @ H+gamma * np.eye(self.N)) @ H.T @ d)
    return MSE

Inherited members

class zeroForcing (N)
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class zeroForcing(Equalizer): #Class zero-forcing equalizer
    def design(self,h,delay=None): #override method in Equalizer abstract class
        Design a zero forcing equalizer for given channel impulse response (CIR).
        If the tap delay is not given, a delay optimized equalizer is designed
            h : channel impulse response
            delay: desired equalizer delay (optional)
        Returns: MSE: Mean Squared Error for the designed equalizer
        L = len(h)
        H = self.convMatrix(h,self.N) #(L+N-1)xN matrix - see Chapter 1
        # compute optimum delay based on MSE
        Hp = np.linalg.pinv(H) #Moore-Penrose Pseudo inverse
        #get index of maximum value using argmax, @ for matrix multiply
        opt_delay = np.argmax(np.diag(H @ Hp))
        self.opt_delay = opt_delay #optimized delay
        if delay==None:
        elif delay >=(L+self.N-1):
            raise ValueError('Given delay is too large delay (should be < L+N-1')
        k0 = delay
        d=np.zeros(self.N+L-1);d[k0]=1 #optimized position of equalizer delay
        self.w=Hp @ d # Least Squares solution, @ for matrix multiply
        MSE=(1-d.T @ H @ Hp @ d) #MSE and err are equivalent,@ for matrix multiply
        return MSE



def design(self, h, delay=None)

Design a zero forcing equalizer for given channel impulse response (CIR). If the tap delay is not given, a delay optimized equalizer is designed


h : channel impulse response
desired equalizer delay (optional)
Returns : MSE: Mean Squared Error for the designed equalizer
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def design(self,h,delay=None): #override method in Equalizer abstract class
    Design a zero forcing equalizer for given channel impulse response (CIR).
    If the tap delay is not given, a delay optimized equalizer is designed
        h : channel impulse response
        delay: desired equalizer delay (optional)
    Returns: MSE: Mean Squared Error for the designed equalizer
    L = len(h)
    H = self.convMatrix(h,self.N) #(L+N-1)xN matrix - see Chapter 1
    # compute optimum delay based on MSE
    Hp = np.linalg.pinv(H) #Moore-Penrose Pseudo inverse
    #get index of maximum value using argmax, @ for matrix multiply
    opt_delay = np.argmax(np.diag(H @ Hp))
    self.opt_delay = opt_delay #optimized delay
    if delay==None:
    elif delay >=(L+self.N-1):
        raise ValueError('Given delay is too large delay (should be < L+N-1')
    k0 = delay
    d=np.zeros(self.N+L-1);d[k0]=1 #optimized position of equalizer delay
    self.w=Hp @ d # Least Squares solution, @ for matrix multiply
    MSE=(1-d.T @ H @ Hp @ d) #MSE and err are equivalent,@ for matrix multiply
    return MSE

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