Module DigiCommPy.passband_modulations

Passband simulation models - modulation and demodulation techniques (Chapter 2)

@author: Mathuranathan Viswanathan Created on Jul 17, 2019

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Passband simulation models - modulation and demodulation techniques (Chapter 2)

@author: Mathuranathan Viswanathan
Created on Jul 17, 2019
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def bpsk_mod(ak,L):
    Function to modulate an incoming binary stream using BPSK (baseband)
        ak : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        L : oversampling factor (Tb/Ts)
        (s_bb,t) : tuple of following variables
                s_bb: BPSK modulated signal(baseband) - s_bb(t)
                 t :  generated time base for the modulated signal
    from scipy.signal import upfirdn
    s_bb = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=2*ak-1, up = L) # NRZ encoder
    t=np.arange(start = 0,stop = len(ak)*L) #discrete time base
    return (s_bb,t)

def bpsk_demod(r_bb,L):
    Function to demodulate a BPSK (baseband) signal
        r_bb : received signal at the receiver front end (baseband)
        L : oversampling factor (Tsym/Ts)
        ak_hat : detected/estimated binary stream
    x = np.real(r_bb) # I arm
    x = np.convolve(x,np.ones(L)) # integrate for Tb duration (L samples)
    x = x[L-1:-1:L] # I arm - sample at every L
    ak_hat = (x > 0).transpose() # threshold detector
    return ak_hat

def qpsk_mod(a, fc, OF, enable_plot = False):
    Modulate an incoming binary stream using conventional QPSK
        a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
        OF : oversampling factor - at least 4 is better
        enable_plot : True = plot transmitter waveforms (default False)
        result : Dictionary containing the following keyword entries:
          s(t) : QPSK modulated signal vector with carrier i.e, s(t)
          I(t) : baseband I channel waveform (no carrier)
          Q(t) : baseband Q channel waveform (no carrier)
          t : time base for the carrier modulated signal
    L = 2*OF # samples in each symbol (QPSK has 2 bits in each symbol)
    I = a[0::2];Q = a[1::2] #even and odd bit streams
    # even/odd streams at 1/2Tb baud
    from scipy.signal import upfirdn #NRZ encoder
    I = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=2*I-1, up = L)
    Q = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=2*Q-1, up = L)
    fs = OF*fc # sampling frequency 
    t=np.arange(0,len(I)/fs,1/fs)  #time base    
    I_t = I*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t);Q_t = -Q*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t)
    s_t = I_t + Q_t # QPSK modulated baseband signal
    if enable_plot:
        fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True)        
        from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
        gs = GridSpec(3, 2, figure=fig)
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
        ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1,:])  
        # show first few symbols of I(t), Q(t)
        ax3.set_title('$I(t) cos(2 \pi f_c t)$')
        ax4.set_title('$Q(t) sin(2 \pi f_c t)$')
        ax5.set_title('$s(t) = I(t) cos(2 \pi f_c t) - Q(t) sin(2 \pi f_c t)$')
    result = dict()
    result['s(t)'] =s_t;result['I(t)'] = I;result['Q(t)'] = Q;result['t'] = t           
    return result
def qpsk_demod(r,fc,OF,enable_plot=False):
    Demodulate a conventional QPSK signal
        r : received signal at the receiver front end
        fc : carrier frequency (Hz)
        OF : oversampling factor (at least 4 is better)
        enable_plot : True = plot receiver waveforms (default False)
        a_hat - detected binary stream
    fs = OF*fc # sampling frequency
    L = 2*OF # number of samples in 2Tb duration
    t=np.arange(0,len(r)/fs,1/fs) # time base
    x=r*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t) # I arm
    y=-r*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t) # Q arm
    x = np.convolve(x,np.ones(L)) # integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    y = np.convolve(y,np.ones(L)) #integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    x = x[L-1::L] # I arm - sample at every symbol instant Tsym
    y = y[L-1::L] # Q arm - sample at every symbol instant Tsym
    a_hat = np.zeros(2*len(x))
    a_hat[0::2] = (x>0) # even bits
    a_hat[1::2] = (y>0) # odd bits
    if enable_plot:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    return a_hat

def oqpsk_mod(a,fc,OF,enable_plot=False):
    Modulate an incoming binary stream using OQPSK
        a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
        OF : oversampling factor - at least 4 is better
        enable_plot : True = plot transmitter waveforms (default False)
        result : Dictionary containing the following keyword entries:
          s(t) : QPSK modulated signal vector with carrier i.e, s(t)
          I(t) : baseband I channel waveform (no carrier)
          Q(t) : baseband Q channel waveform (no carrier)
          t : time base for the carrier modulated signal
    L = 2*OF # samples in each symbol (QPSK has 2 bits in each symbol)
    I = a[0::2];Q = a[1::2] #even and odd bit streams
    # even/odd streams at 1/2Tb baud
    from scipy.signal import upfirdn #NRZ encoder
    I = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=2*I-1, up = L)
    Q = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=2*Q-1, up = L)

    I = np.hstack((I,np.zeros(L//2))) # padding at end
    Q = np.hstack((np.zeros(L//2),Q)) # padding at start
    fs = OF*fc # sampling frequency 
    t=np.arange(0,len(I)/fs,1/fs)  #time base
    I_t = I*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t);Q_t = -Q*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t)
    s = I_t + Q_t # QPSK modulated baseband signal
    if enable_plot:
        fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True)
        from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
        gs = GridSpec(3, 2, figure=fig)
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]);ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]);ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
        ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1,:])
        # show first few symbols of I(t), Q(t)
        ax3.plot(t,I_t,'r');ax3.set_title('$I(t) cos(2 \pi f_c t)$')
        ax4.plot(t,Q_t,'r');ax4.set_title('$Q(t) sin(2 \pi f_c t)$')
        ax5.set_title('$s(t) = I(t) cos(2 \pi f_c t) - Q(t) sin(2 \pi f_c t)$')
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        axs.plot(I,Q); plot
    result = dict()
    result['s(t)'] =s;result['I(t)'] = I;result['Q(t)'] = Q;result['t'] = t           
    return result

def oqpsk_demod(r,N,fc,OF,enable_plot=False):
    Demodulate a OQPSK signal
        r : received signal at the receiver front end
        N : Number of OQPSK symbols transmitted
        fc : carrier frequency (Hz)
        OF : oversampling factor (at least 4 is better)
        enable_plot : True = plot receiver waveforms (default False)
        a_hat - detected binary stream
    fs = OF*fc # sampling frequency
    L = 2*OF # number of samples in 2Tb duration
    t=np.arange(0,(N+1)*OF/fs,1/fs) # time base
    x=r*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t) # I arm
    y=-r*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t) # Q arm
    x = np.convolve(x,np.ones(L)) # integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    y = np.convolve(y,np.ones(L)) #integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    x = x[L-1:-1-L:L] # I arm - sample at every symbol instant Tsym
    y = y[L+L//2-1:-1-L//2:L] # Q arm - sample at every symbol starting at L+L/2-1th sample
    a_hat = np.zeros(N)
    a_hat[0::2] = (x>0) # even bits
    a_hat[1::2] = (y>0) # odd bits
    if enable_plot:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    return a_hat

def piBy4_dqpsk_diff_encoding(a,enable_plot=False):
    Phase Mapper for pi/4-DQPSK modulation
        a : input stream of binary bits
        (u,v): tuple, where
           u : differentially coded I-channel bits
           v : differentially coded Q-channel bits    
    from numpy import pi, cos, sin
    if len(a)%2: raise ValueError('Length of binary stream must be even')
    I = a[0::2] # odd bit stream
    Q = a[1::2] # even bit stream
    # club 2-bits to form a symbol and use it as index for dTheta table
    m = 2*I+Q
    dTheta = np.array([-3*pi/4, 3*pi/4, -pi/4, pi/4]) #LUT for pi/4-DQPSK
    u = np.zeros(len(m)+1);v = np.zeros(len(m)+1)
    u[0]=1; v[0]=0 # initial conditions for uk and vk
    for k in range(0,len(m)):
        u[k+1] = u[k] * cos(dTheta[m[k]]) - v[k] * sin(dTheta[m[k]])
        v[k+1] = u[k] * sin(dTheta[m[k]]) + v[k] * cos(dTheta[m[k]])
    if enable_plot:#constellation plot
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    return (u,v)

def piBy4_dqpsk_mod(a,fc,OF,enable_plot = False):
    Modulate a binary stream using pi/4 DQPSK
        a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
        OF : oversampling factor
        result : Dictionary containing the following keyword entries:
          s(t) : pi/4 QPSK modulated signal vector with carrier
          U(t) : differentially coded I-channel waveform (no carrier)
          V(t) : differentially coded Q-channel waveform (no carrier)
          t: time base
    (u,v)=piBy4_dqpsk_diff_encoding(a) # Differential Encoding for pi/4 QPSK
    #Waveform formation (similar to conventional QPSK)
    L = 2*OF # number of samples in each symbol (QPSK has 2 bits/symbol)    
    U = np.tile(u, (L,1)).flatten('F')# odd bit stream at 1/2Tb baud
    V = np.tile(v, (L,1)).flatten('F')# even bit stream at 1/2Tb baud
    fs = OF*fc # sampling frequency    
    t=np.arange(0, len(U)/fs,1/fs) #time base
    U_t = U*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t)
    V_t = -V*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t)
    s_t = U_t + V_t
    if enable_plot:
        fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True)
        from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
        gs = GridSpec(3, 2, figure=fig)
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]);ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]);ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
        ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1,:])        
        ax5.plot(t,s_t) #QPSK waveform zoomed to first few symbols        
        ax3.set_ylabel('U(t)-with carrier');ax4.set_ylabel('V(t)-with carrier')
    result = dict()
    result['s(t)'] =s_t;result['U(t)'] = U;result['V(t)'] = V;result['t'] = t
    return result

def piBy4_dqpsk_diff_decoding(w,z):
    Phase Mapper for pi/4-DQPSK modulation
        w - differentially coded I-channel bits at the receiver
        z - differentially coded Q-channel bits at the receiver
        a_hat - binary bit stream after differential decoding
    if len(w)!=len(z): raise ValueError('Length mismatch between w and z')
    x = np.zeros(len(w)-1);y = np.zeros(len(w)-1);
    for k in range(0,len(w)-1):
        x[k] = w[k+1]*w[k] + z[k+1]*z[k]
        y[k] = z[k+1]*w[k] - w[k+1]*z[k]
    a_hat = np.zeros(2*len(x))
    a_hat[0::2] = (x > 0) # odd bits
    a_hat[1::2] = (y > 0) # even bits
    return a_hat

def piBy4_dqpsk_demod(r,fc,OF,enable_plot=False):
    Differential coherent demodulation of pi/4-DQPSK
        r : received signal at the receiver front end
        fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
        OF : oversampling factor (multiples of fc) - at least 4 is better
        a_cap :  detected binary stream
    fs = OF*fc # sampling frequency
    L = 2*OF # samples in 2Tb duration
    t=np.arange(0, len(r)/fs,1/fs)
    w=r*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t) # I arm
    z=-r*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t) # Q arm
    w = np.convolve(w,np.ones(L)) # integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    z = np.convolve(z,np.ones(L)) # integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    w = w[L-1::L] # I arm - sample at every symbol instant Tsym
    z = z[L-1::L] # Q arm - sample at every symbol instant Tsym
    a_cap = piBy4_dqpsk_diff_decoding(w,z)
    if enable_plot:#constellation plot
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    return a_cap

def msk_mod(a, fc, OF, enable_plot = False):
    Modulate an incoming binary stream using MSK
        a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
        OF : oversampling factor (at least 4 is better)
        result : Dictionary containing the following keyword entries:
          s(t) : MSK modulated signal with carrier
          sI(t) : baseband I channel waveform(no carrier)
          sQ(t) : baseband Q channel waveform(no carrier)
          t: time base
    ak = 2*a-1 # NRZ encoding 0-> -1, 1->+1
    ai = ak[0::2]; aq = ak[1::2] # split even and odd bit streams
    L = 2*OF # represents one symbol duration Tsym=2xTb
    #upsample by L the bits streams in I and Q arms
    from scipy.signal import upfirdn, lfilter
    ai = upfirdn(h=[1], x=ai, up = L)
    aq = upfirdn(h=[1], x=aq, up = L)
    aq = np.pad(aq, (L//2,0), 'constant') # delay aq by Tb (delay by L/2)
    ai = np.pad(ai, (0,L//2), 'constant') # padding at end to equal length of Q
    #construct Low-pass filter and filter the I/Q samples through it
    Fs = OF*fc;Ts = 1/Fs;Tb = OF*Ts
    t = np.arange(0,2*Tb+Ts,Ts)
    h = np.sin(np.pi*t/(2*Tb))# LPF filter
    sI_t = lfilter(b = h, a = [1], x = ai) # baseband I-channel
    sQ_t = lfilter(b = h, a = [1], x = aq) # baseband Q-channel
    t=np.arange(0, Ts*len(sI_t), Ts) # for RF carrier
    sIc_t = sI_t*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t) #with carrier
    sQc_t = sQ_t*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t) #with carrier
    s_t =  sIc_t - sQc_t# Bandpass MSK modulated signal
    if enable_plot:
        fig, (ax1,ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1)
    result = dict()
    return result

def msk_demod(r,N,fc,OF):
    MSK demodulator
        r : received signal at the receiver front end
        N : number of symbols transmitted
        fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
        OF : oversampling factor (at least 4 is better)
        a_hat : detected binary stream
    L = 2*OF # samples in 2Tb duration
    Fs=OF*fc;Ts=1/Fs;Tb = OF*Ts; # sampling frequency, durations
    t=np.arange(-OF, len(r) - OF)/Fs # time base
    # cosine and sine functions for half-sinusoid shaping
    u=r*x*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t) # multiply I by half cosines and cos(2pifct)
    v=-r*y*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t) # multiply Q by half sines and sin(2pifct)
    iHat = np.convolve(u,np.ones(L)) # integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    qHat = np.convolve(v,np.ones(L)) # integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    iHat= iHat[L-1:-1-L:L]  # I- sample at the end of every symbol
    qHat= qHat[L+L//2-1:-1-L//2:L] # Q-sample from L+L/2th sample
    a_hat = np.zeros(N)
    a_hat[0::2] = iHat > 0 # thresholding - odd bits
    a_hat[1::2] = qHat > 0 # thresholding - even bits
    return a_hat

def gaussianLPF(BT, Tb, L, k):
    Generate filter coefficients of Gaussian low pass filter (used in gmsk_mod)
        BT : BT product - Bandwidth x bit period
        Tb : bit period
        L : oversampling factor (number of samples per bit)
        k : span length of the pulse (bit interval)        
        h_norm : normalized filter coefficients of Gaussian LPF
    B = BT/Tb # bandwidth of the filter
    # truncated time limits for the filter
    t = np.arange(start = -k*Tb, stop = k*Tb + Tb/L, step = Tb/L)
    h = B*np.sqrt(2*np.pi/(np.log(2)))*np.exp(-2 * (t*np.pi*B)**2 /(np.log(2)))
    return h_norm

def gmsk_mod(a,fc,L,BT,enable_plot=False):
    Function to modulate a binary stream using GMSK modulation
        BT : BT product (bandwidth x bit period) for GMSK
        a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        fc : RF carrier frequency in Hertz
        L : oversampling factor
        enable_plot: True = plot transmitter waveforms (default False)
        (s_t,s_complex) : tuple containing the following variables
            s_t : GMSK modulated signal with carrier s(t)
            s_complex : baseband GMSK signal (I+jQ)
    from scipy.signal import upfirdn,lfilter
    fs = L*fc; Ts=1/fs;Tb = L*Ts; # derived waveform timing parameters
    c_t = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=2*a-1, up = L) #NRZ pulse train c(t)
    k=1 # truncation length for Gaussian LPF
    h_t = gaussianLPF(BT,Tb,L,k) # Gaussian LPF with BT=0.25
    b_t = np.convolve(h_t,c_t,'full') # convolve c(t) with Gaussian LPF to get b(t)
    bnorm_t = b_t/max(abs(b_t)) # normalize the output of Gaussian LPF to +/-1
    h = 0.5;
    # integrate to get phase information
    phi_t = lfilter(b = [1], a = [1,-1], x = bnorm_t*Ts) * h*np.pi/Tb 
    I = np.cos(phi_t)
    Q = np.sin(phi_t) # cross-correlated baseband I/Q signals
    s_complex = I - 1j*Q # complex baseband representation
    t = Ts* np.arange(start = 0, stop = len(I)) # time base for RF carrier
    sI_t = I*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t); sQ_t = Q*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t)
    s_t = sI_t - sQ_t # s(t) - GMSK with RF carrier
    if enable_plot:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 4)
        axs[0,1].set_title('$h(t): BT_b$='+str(BT))
        axs[0,2].set_title('$I(t)cos(2 \pi f_c t)$');axs[0,2].set_xlim(0,10*Tb)
        axs[0,3].set_title('$Q(t)sin(2 \pi f_c t)$');axs[0,3].set_xlim(0,10*Tb)
        axs[1,0].plot( np.arange(0,len(bnorm_t))*Ts,bnorm_t);
        axs[1,1].plot(np.arange(0,len(phi_t))*Ts, phi_t);
    return (s_t,s_complex)

def gmsk_demod(r_complex,L):
    Function to demodulate a baseband GMSK signal
        r_complex : received signal at receiver front end (complex form - I+jQ)
        L : oversampling factor
        a_hat : detected binary stream
    I=np.real(r_complex); Q = -np.imag(r_complex); # I,Q streams
    z1 = Q * np.hstack((np.zeros(L), I[0:len(I)-L]))
    z2 = I * np.hstack((np.zeros(L), Q[0:len(I)-L]))
    z = z1 - z2
    a_hat = (z[2*L-1:-L:L] > 0).astype(int) # sampling and hard decision
    #sampling indices depend on the truncation length (k) of Gaussian LPF defined in the modulator
    return a_hat

def bfsk_mod(a,fc,fd,L,fs,fsk_type='coherent',enable_plot = False):
    Function to modulate an incoming binary stream using BFSK
        a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        fc : center frequency of the carrier in Hertz
        fd : frequency separation measured from Fc
        L : number of samples in 1-bit period
        fs : Sampling frequency for discrete-time simulation
        fsk_type : 'coherent' (default) or 'noncoherent' FSK generation
        enable_plot: True = plot transmitter waveforms (default False)
        (s_t,phase) : tuple containing following parameters
            s_t : BFSK modulated signal
            phase : initial phase generated by modulator, applicable only for coherent FSK. It can be used when using coherent detection at Rx    
    from scipy.signal import upfirdn
    a_t = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=a, up = L) #data to waveform
    t = np.arange(start=0,stop=len(a_t))/fs #time base    
    if fsk_type.lower() == 'noncoherent':
        # carrier 1 with random phase
        c1 = np.cos(2*np.pi*(fc+fd/2)*t+2*np.pi*np.random.random_sample())
        # carrier 2 with random phase
        c2 = np.cos(2*np.pi*(fc-fd/2)*t+2*np.pi*np.random.random_sample())
    else: #coherent is default
        # random phase from uniform distribution [0,2pi)
        c1 = np.cos(2*np.pi*(fc+fd/2)*t+phase) # carrier 1 with random phase
        c2 = np.cos(2*np.pi*(fc-fd/2)*t+phase) # carrier 2 with the same random phase
    s_t = a_t*c1 +(-a_t+1)*c2 # BFSK signal (MUX selection)
    if enable_plot:
        fig, (ax1,ax2)=plt.subplots(2, 1);ax1.plot(t,a_t);ax2.plot(t,s_t);        
    return (s_t,phase)

def bfsk_coherent_demod(r_t,phase,fc,fd,L,fs):
    Coherent demodulation of BFSK modulated signal
        r_t : BFSK modulated signal at the receiver r(t)
        phase : initial phase generated at the transmitter
        fc : center frequency of the carrier in Hertz
        fd : frequency separation measured from Fc
        L : number of samples in 1-bit period
        fs : Sampling frequency for discrete-time simulation    
        a_hat : data bits after demodulation        
    t = np.arange(start=0,stop=len(r_t))/fs # time base
    x = r_t*(np.cos(2*np.pi*(fc+fd/2)*t+phase)-np.cos(2*np.pi*(fc-fd/2)*t+phase))
    y = np.convolve(x,np.ones(L)) # integrate/sum from 0 to L
    a_hat = (y[L-1::L]>0).astype(int) # sample at every sampling instant and detect
    return a_hat

def bfsk_noncoherent_demod(r_t,fc,fd,L,fs):
    Non-coherent demodulation of BFSK modulated signal
        r_t : BFSK modulated signal at the receiver r(t)
        fc : center frequency of the carrier in Hertz
        fd : frequency separation measured from Fc
        L : number of samples in 1-bit period
        fs : Sampling frequency for discrete-time simulation
        a_hat : data bits after demodulation        
    t = np.arange(start=0,stop=len(r_t))/fs # time base
    f1 = (fc+fd/2); f2 = (fc-fd/2)
    #define four basis functions
    p1c = np.cos(2*np.pi*f1*t); p2c = np.cos(2*np.pi*f2*t)
    p1s = -1*np.sin(2*np.pi*f1*t); p2s = -1*np.sin(2*np.pi*f2*t)
    # multiply and integrate from 0 to L
    r1c = np.convolve(r_t*p1c,np.ones(L)); r2c = np.convolve(r_t*p2c,np.ones(L))
    r1s = np.convolve(r_t*p1s,np.ones(L)); r2s = np.convolve(r_t*p2s,np.ones(L))
    # sample at every sampling instant
    r1c = r1c[L-1::L]; r2c = r2c[L-1::L]
    r1s = r1s[L-1::L]; r2s = r2s[L-1::L]
    # square and add
    x = r1c**2 + r1s**2
    y = r2c**2 + r2s**2
    a_hat=((x-y)>0).astype(int) # compare and decide
    return a_hat


def bfsk_coherent_demod(r_t, phase, fc, fd, L, fs)

Coherent demodulation of BFSK modulated signal


r_t : BFSK modulated signal at the receiver r(t)
phase : initial phase generated at the transmitter
fc : center frequency of the carrier in Hertz
fd : frequency separation measured from Fc
L : number of samples in 1-bit period
fs : Sampling frequency for discrete-time simulation


a_hat : data bits after demodulation
Expand source code
def bfsk_coherent_demod(r_t,phase,fc,fd,L,fs):
    Coherent demodulation of BFSK modulated signal
        r_t : BFSK modulated signal at the receiver r(t)
        phase : initial phase generated at the transmitter
        fc : center frequency of the carrier in Hertz
        fd : frequency separation measured from Fc
        L : number of samples in 1-bit period
        fs : Sampling frequency for discrete-time simulation    
        a_hat : data bits after demodulation        
    t = np.arange(start=0,stop=len(r_t))/fs # time base
    x = r_t*(np.cos(2*np.pi*(fc+fd/2)*t+phase)-np.cos(2*np.pi*(fc-fd/2)*t+phase))
    y = np.convolve(x,np.ones(L)) # integrate/sum from 0 to L
    a_hat = (y[L-1::L]>0).astype(int) # sample at every sampling instant and detect
    return a_hat
def bfsk_mod(a, fc, fd, L, fs, fsk_type='coherent', enable_plot=False)

Function to modulate an incoming binary stream using BFSK


a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
fc : center frequency of the carrier in Hertz
fd : frequency separation measured from Fc
L : number of samples in 1-bit period
fs : Sampling frequency for discrete-time simulation
fsk_type : 'coherent' (default) or 'noncoherent' FSK generation
True = plot transmitter waveforms (default False)


(s_t,phase) : tuple containing following parameters s_t : BFSK modulated signal phase : initial phase generated by modulator, applicable only for coherent FSK. It can be used when using coherent detection at Rx

Expand source code
def bfsk_mod(a,fc,fd,L,fs,fsk_type='coherent',enable_plot = False):
    Function to modulate an incoming binary stream using BFSK
        a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        fc : center frequency of the carrier in Hertz
        fd : frequency separation measured from Fc
        L : number of samples in 1-bit period
        fs : Sampling frequency for discrete-time simulation
        fsk_type : 'coherent' (default) or 'noncoherent' FSK generation
        enable_plot: True = plot transmitter waveforms (default False)
        (s_t,phase) : tuple containing following parameters
            s_t : BFSK modulated signal
            phase : initial phase generated by modulator, applicable only for coherent FSK. It can be used when using coherent detection at Rx    
    from scipy.signal import upfirdn
    a_t = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=a, up = L) #data to waveform
    t = np.arange(start=0,stop=len(a_t))/fs #time base    
    if fsk_type.lower() == 'noncoherent':
        # carrier 1 with random phase
        c1 = np.cos(2*np.pi*(fc+fd/2)*t+2*np.pi*np.random.random_sample())
        # carrier 2 with random phase
        c2 = np.cos(2*np.pi*(fc-fd/2)*t+2*np.pi*np.random.random_sample())
    else: #coherent is default
        # random phase from uniform distribution [0,2pi)
        c1 = np.cos(2*np.pi*(fc+fd/2)*t+phase) # carrier 1 with random phase
        c2 = np.cos(2*np.pi*(fc-fd/2)*t+phase) # carrier 2 with the same random phase
    s_t = a_t*c1 +(-a_t+1)*c2 # BFSK signal (MUX selection)
    if enable_plot:
        fig, (ax1,ax2)=plt.subplots(2, 1);ax1.plot(t,a_t);ax2.plot(t,s_t);        
    return (s_t,phase)
def bfsk_noncoherent_demod(r_t, fc, fd, L, fs)

Non-coherent demodulation of BFSK modulated signal


r_t : BFSK modulated signal at the receiver r(t)
fc : center frequency of the carrier in Hertz
fd : frequency separation measured from Fc
L : number of samples in 1-bit period
fs : Sampling frequency for discrete-time simulation


a_hat : data bits after demodulation
Expand source code
def bfsk_noncoherent_demod(r_t,fc,fd,L,fs):
    Non-coherent demodulation of BFSK modulated signal
        r_t : BFSK modulated signal at the receiver r(t)
        fc : center frequency of the carrier in Hertz
        fd : frequency separation measured from Fc
        L : number of samples in 1-bit period
        fs : Sampling frequency for discrete-time simulation
        a_hat : data bits after demodulation        
    t = np.arange(start=0,stop=len(r_t))/fs # time base
    f1 = (fc+fd/2); f2 = (fc-fd/2)
    #define four basis functions
    p1c = np.cos(2*np.pi*f1*t); p2c = np.cos(2*np.pi*f2*t)
    p1s = -1*np.sin(2*np.pi*f1*t); p2s = -1*np.sin(2*np.pi*f2*t)
    # multiply and integrate from 0 to L
    r1c = np.convolve(r_t*p1c,np.ones(L)); r2c = np.convolve(r_t*p2c,np.ones(L))
    r1s = np.convolve(r_t*p1s,np.ones(L)); r2s = np.convolve(r_t*p2s,np.ones(L))
    # sample at every sampling instant
    r1c = r1c[L-1::L]; r2c = r2c[L-1::L]
    r1s = r1s[L-1::L]; r2s = r2s[L-1::L]
    # square and add
    x = r1c**2 + r1s**2
    y = r2c**2 + r2s**2
    a_hat=((x-y)>0).astype(int) # compare and decide
    return a_hat
def bpsk_demod(r_bb, L)

Function to demodulate a BPSK (baseband) signal


r_bb : received signal at the receiver front end (baseband)
L : oversampling factor (Tsym/Ts)


ak_hat : detected/estimated binary stream
Expand source code
def bpsk_demod(r_bb,L):
    Function to demodulate a BPSK (baseband) signal
        r_bb : received signal at the receiver front end (baseband)
        L : oversampling factor (Tsym/Ts)
        ak_hat : detected/estimated binary stream
    x = np.real(r_bb) # I arm
    x = np.convolve(x,np.ones(L)) # integrate for Tb duration (L samples)
    x = x[L-1:-1:L] # I arm - sample at every L
    ak_hat = (x > 0).transpose() # threshold detector
    return ak_hat
def bpsk_mod(ak, L)

Function to modulate an incoming binary stream using BPSK (baseband)


ak : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
L : oversampling factor (Tb/Ts)


(s_bb,t) : tuple of following variables s_bb: BPSK modulated signal(baseband) - s_bb(t) t : generated time base for the modulated signal

Expand source code
def bpsk_mod(ak,L):
    Function to modulate an incoming binary stream using BPSK (baseband)
        ak : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        L : oversampling factor (Tb/Ts)
        (s_bb,t) : tuple of following variables
                s_bb: BPSK modulated signal(baseband) - s_bb(t)
                 t :  generated time base for the modulated signal
    from scipy.signal import upfirdn
    s_bb = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=2*ak-1, up = L) # NRZ encoder
    t=np.arange(start = 0,stop = len(ak)*L) #discrete time base
    return (s_bb,t)
def gaussianLPF(BT, Tb, L, k)

Generate filter coefficients of Gaussian low pass filter (used in gmsk_mod)


BT : BT product - Bandwidth x bit period
Tb : bit period
L : oversampling factor (number of samples per bit)
k : span length of the pulse (bit interval)


h_norm : normalized filter coefficients of Gaussian LPF
Expand source code
def gaussianLPF(BT, Tb, L, k):
    Generate filter coefficients of Gaussian low pass filter (used in gmsk_mod)
        BT : BT product - Bandwidth x bit period
        Tb : bit period
        L : oversampling factor (number of samples per bit)
        k : span length of the pulse (bit interval)        
        h_norm : normalized filter coefficients of Gaussian LPF
    B = BT/Tb # bandwidth of the filter
    # truncated time limits for the filter
    t = np.arange(start = -k*Tb, stop = k*Tb + Tb/L, step = Tb/L)
    h = B*np.sqrt(2*np.pi/(np.log(2)))*np.exp(-2 * (t*np.pi*B)**2 /(np.log(2)))
    return h_norm
def gmsk_demod(r_complex, L)

Function to demodulate a baseband GMSK signal


r_complex : received signal at receiver front end (complex form - I+jQ)
L : oversampling factor


a_hat : detected binary stream
Expand source code
def gmsk_demod(r_complex,L):
    Function to demodulate a baseband GMSK signal
        r_complex : received signal at receiver front end (complex form - I+jQ)
        L : oversampling factor
        a_hat : detected binary stream
    I=np.real(r_complex); Q = -np.imag(r_complex); # I,Q streams
    z1 = Q * np.hstack((np.zeros(L), I[0:len(I)-L]))
    z2 = I * np.hstack((np.zeros(L), Q[0:len(I)-L]))
    z = z1 - z2
    a_hat = (z[2*L-1:-L:L] > 0).astype(int) # sampling and hard decision
    #sampling indices depend on the truncation length (k) of Gaussian LPF defined in the modulator
    return a_hat
def gmsk_mod(a, fc, L, BT, enable_plot=False)

Function to modulate a binary stream using GMSK modulation


BT : BT product (bandwidth x bit period) for GMSK
a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
fc : RF carrier frequency in Hertz
L : oversampling factor
True = plot transmitter waveforms (default False)


(s_t,s_complex) : tuple containing the following variables s_t : GMSK modulated signal with carrier s(t) s_complex : baseband GMSK signal (I+jQ)

Expand source code
def gmsk_mod(a,fc,L,BT,enable_plot=False):
    Function to modulate a binary stream using GMSK modulation
        BT : BT product (bandwidth x bit period) for GMSK
        a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        fc : RF carrier frequency in Hertz
        L : oversampling factor
        enable_plot: True = plot transmitter waveforms (default False)
        (s_t,s_complex) : tuple containing the following variables
            s_t : GMSK modulated signal with carrier s(t)
            s_complex : baseband GMSK signal (I+jQ)
    from scipy.signal import upfirdn,lfilter
    fs = L*fc; Ts=1/fs;Tb = L*Ts; # derived waveform timing parameters
    c_t = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=2*a-1, up = L) #NRZ pulse train c(t)
    k=1 # truncation length for Gaussian LPF
    h_t = gaussianLPF(BT,Tb,L,k) # Gaussian LPF with BT=0.25
    b_t = np.convolve(h_t,c_t,'full') # convolve c(t) with Gaussian LPF to get b(t)
    bnorm_t = b_t/max(abs(b_t)) # normalize the output of Gaussian LPF to +/-1
    h = 0.5;
    # integrate to get phase information
    phi_t = lfilter(b = [1], a = [1,-1], x = bnorm_t*Ts) * h*np.pi/Tb 
    I = np.cos(phi_t)
    Q = np.sin(phi_t) # cross-correlated baseband I/Q signals
    s_complex = I - 1j*Q # complex baseband representation
    t = Ts* np.arange(start = 0, stop = len(I)) # time base for RF carrier
    sI_t = I*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t); sQ_t = Q*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t)
    s_t = sI_t - sQ_t # s(t) - GMSK with RF carrier
    if enable_plot:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 4)
        axs[0,1].set_title('$h(t): BT_b$='+str(BT))
        axs[0,2].set_title('$I(t)cos(2 \pi f_c t)$');axs[0,2].set_xlim(0,10*Tb)
        axs[0,3].set_title('$Q(t)sin(2 \pi f_c t)$');axs[0,3].set_xlim(0,10*Tb)
        axs[1,0].plot( np.arange(0,len(bnorm_t))*Ts,bnorm_t);
        axs[1,1].plot(np.arange(0,len(phi_t))*Ts, phi_t);
    return (s_t,s_complex)
def msk_demod(r, N, fc, OF)

MSK demodulator


r : received signal at the receiver front end
N : number of symbols transmitted
fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
OF : oversampling factor (at least 4 is better)


a_hat : detected binary stream
Expand source code
def msk_demod(r,N,fc,OF):
    MSK demodulator
        r : received signal at the receiver front end
        N : number of symbols transmitted
        fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
        OF : oversampling factor (at least 4 is better)
        a_hat : detected binary stream
    L = 2*OF # samples in 2Tb duration
    Fs=OF*fc;Ts=1/Fs;Tb = OF*Ts; # sampling frequency, durations
    t=np.arange(-OF, len(r) - OF)/Fs # time base
    # cosine and sine functions for half-sinusoid shaping
    u=r*x*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t) # multiply I by half cosines and cos(2pifct)
    v=-r*y*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t) # multiply Q by half sines and sin(2pifct)
    iHat = np.convolve(u,np.ones(L)) # integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    qHat = np.convolve(v,np.ones(L)) # integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    iHat= iHat[L-1:-1-L:L]  # I- sample at the end of every symbol
    qHat= qHat[L+L//2-1:-1-L//2:L] # Q-sample from L+L/2th sample
    a_hat = np.zeros(N)
    a_hat[0::2] = iHat > 0 # thresholding - odd bits
    a_hat[1::2] = qHat > 0 # thresholding - even bits
    return a_hat
def msk_mod(a, fc, OF, enable_plot=False)

Modulate an incoming binary stream using MSK


a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
OF : oversampling factor (at least 4 is better)


result : Dictionary containing the following keyword entries:

s(t) : MSK modulated signal with carrier sI(t) : baseband I channel waveform(no carrier) sQ(t) : baseband Q channel waveform(no carrier) t: time base

Expand source code
def msk_mod(a, fc, OF, enable_plot = False):
    Modulate an incoming binary stream using MSK
        a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
        OF : oversampling factor (at least 4 is better)
        result : Dictionary containing the following keyword entries:
          s(t) : MSK modulated signal with carrier
          sI(t) : baseband I channel waveform(no carrier)
          sQ(t) : baseband Q channel waveform(no carrier)
          t: time base
    ak = 2*a-1 # NRZ encoding 0-> -1, 1->+1
    ai = ak[0::2]; aq = ak[1::2] # split even and odd bit streams
    L = 2*OF # represents one symbol duration Tsym=2xTb
    #upsample by L the bits streams in I and Q arms
    from scipy.signal import upfirdn, lfilter
    ai = upfirdn(h=[1], x=ai, up = L)
    aq = upfirdn(h=[1], x=aq, up = L)
    aq = np.pad(aq, (L//2,0), 'constant') # delay aq by Tb (delay by L/2)
    ai = np.pad(ai, (0,L//2), 'constant') # padding at end to equal length of Q
    #construct Low-pass filter and filter the I/Q samples through it
    Fs = OF*fc;Ts = 1/Fs;Tb = OF*Ts
    t = np.arange(0,2*Tb+Ts,Ts)
    h = np.sin(np.pi*t/(2*Tb))# LPF filter
    sI_t = lfilter(b = h, a = [1], x = ai) # baseband I-channel
    sQ_t = lfilter(b = h, a = [1], x = aq) # baseband Q-channel
    t=np.arange(0, Ts*len(sI_t), Ts) # for RF carrier
    sIc_t = sI_t*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t) #with carrier
    sQc_t = sQ_t*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t) #with carrier
    s_t =  sIc_t - sQc_t# Bandpass MSK modulated signal
    if enable_plot:
        fig, (ax1,ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1)
    result = dict()
    return result
def oqpsk_demod(r, N, fc, OF, enable_plot=False)

Demodulate a OQPSK signal


r : received signal at the receiver front end
N : Number of OQPSK symbols transmitted
fc : carrier frequency (Hz)
OF : oversampling factor (at least 4 is better)
enable_plot : True = plot receiver waveforms (default False)


a_hat - detected binary stream
Expand source code
def oqpsk_demod(r,N,fc,OF,enable_plot=False):
    Demodulate a OQPSK signal
        r : received signal at the receiver front end
        N : Number of OQPSK symbols transmitted
        fc : carrier frequency (Hz)
        OF : oversampling factor (at least 4 is better)
        enable_plot : True = plot receiver waveforms (default False)
        a_hat - detected binary stream
    fs = OF*fc # sampling frequency
    L = 2*OF # number of samples in 2Tb duration
    t=np.arange(0,(N+1)*OF/fs,1/fs) # time base
    x=r*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t) # I arm
    y=-r*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t) # Q arm
    x = np.convolve(x,np.ones(L)) # integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    y = np.convolve(y,np.ones(L)) #integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    x = x[L-1:-1-L:L] # I arm - sample at every symbol instant Tsym
    y = y[L+L//2-1:-1-L//2:L] # Q arm - sample at every symbol starting at L+L/2-1th sample
    a_hat = np.zeros(N)
    a_hat[0::2] = (x>0) # even bits
    a_hat[1::2] = (y>0) # odd bits
    if enable_plot:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    return a_hat
def oqpsk_mod(a, fc, OF, enable_plot=False)

Modulate an incoming binary stream using OQPSK


a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
OF : oversampling factor - at least 4 is better
enable_plot : True = plot transmitter waveforms (default False)


result : Dictionary containing the following keyword entries:

s(t) : QPSK modulated signal vector with carrier i.e, s(t) I(t) : baseband I channel waveform (no carrier) Q(t) : baseband Q channel waveform (no carrier) t : time base for the carrier modulated signal

Expand source code
def oqpsk_mod(a,fc,OF,enable_plot=False):
    Modulate an incoming binary stream using OQPSK
        a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
        OF : oversampling factor - at least 4 is better
        enable_plot : True = plot transmitter waveforms (default False)
        result : Dictionary containing the following keyword entries:
          s(t) : QPSK modulated signal vector with carrier i.e, s(t)
          I(t) : baseband I channel waveform (no carrier)
          Q(t) : baseband Q channel waveform (no carrier)
          t : time base for the carrier modulated signal
    L = 2*OF # samples in each symbol (QPSK has 2 bits in each symbol)
    I = a[0::2];Q = a[1::2] #even and odd bit streams
    # even/odd streams at 1/2Tb baud
    from scipy.signal import upfirdn #NRZ encoder
    I = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=2*I-1, up = L)
    Q = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=2*Q-1, up = L)

    I = np.hstack((I,np.zeros(L//2))) # padding at end
    Q = np.hstack((np.zeros(L//2),Q)) # padding at start
    fs = OF*fc # sampling frequency 
    t=np.arange(0,len(I)/fs,1/fs)  #time base
    I_t = I*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t);Q_t = -Q*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t)
    s = I_t + Q_t # QPSK modulated baseband signal
    if enable_plot:
        fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True)
        from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
        gs = GridSpec(3, 2, figure=fig)
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]);ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]);ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
        ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1,:])
        # show first few symbols of I(t), Q(t)
        ax3.plot(t,I_t,'r');ax3.set_title('$I(t) cos(2 \pi f_c t)$')
        ax4.plot(t,Q_t,'r');ax4.set_title('$Q(t) sin(2 \pi f_c t)$')
        ax5.set_title('$s(t) = I(t) cos(2 \pi f_c t) - Q(t) sin(2 \pi f_c t)$')
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        axs.plot(I,Q); plot
    result = dict()
    result['s(t)'] =s;result['I(t)'] = I;result['Q(t)'] = Q;result['t'] = t           
    return result
def piBy4_dqpsk_demod(r, fc, OF, enable_plot=False)

Differential coherent demodulation of pi/4-DQPSK


r : received signal at the receiver front end
fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
OF : oversampling factor (multiples of fc) - at least 4 is better


a_cap :  detected binary stream
Expand source code
def piBy4_dqpsk_demod(r,fc,OF,enable_plot=False):
    Differential coherent demodulation of pi/4-DQPSK
        r : received signal at the receiver front end
        fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
        OF : oversampling factor (multiples of fc) - at least 4 is better
        a_cap :  detected binary stream
    fs = OF*fc # sampling frequency
    L = 2*OF # samples in 2Tb duration
    t=np.arange(0, len(r)/fs,1/fs)
    w=r*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t) # I arm
    z=-r*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t) # Q arm
    w = np.convolve(w,np.ones(L)) # integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    z = np.convolve(z,np.ones(L)) # integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    w = w[L-1::L] # I arm - sample at every symbol instant Tsym
    z = z[L-1::L] # Q arm - sample at every symbol instant Tsym
    a_cap = piBy4_dqpsk_diff_decoding(w,z)
    if enable_plot:#constellation plot
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    return a_cap
def piBy4_dqpsk_diff_decoding(w, z)

Phase Mapper for pi/4-DQPSK modulation


w - differentially coded I-channel bits at the receiver z - differentially coded Q-channel bits at the receiver


a_hat - binary bit stream after differential decoding
Expand source code
def piBy4_dqpsk_diff_decoding(w,z):
    Phase Mapper for pi/4-DQPSK modulation
        w - differentially coded I-channel bits at the receiver
        z - differentially coded Q-channel bits at the receiver
        a_hat - binary bit stream after differential decoding
    if len(w)!=len(z): raise ValueError('Length mismatch between w and z')
    x = np.zeros(len(w)-1);y = np.zeros(len(w)-1);
    for k in range(0,len(w)-1):
        x[k] = w[k+1]*w[k] + z[k+1]*z[k]
        y[k] = z[k+1]*w[k] - w[k+1]*z[k]
    a_hat = np.zeros(2*len(x))
    a_hat[0::2] = (x > 0) # odd bits
    a_hat[1::2] = (y > 0) # even bits
    return a_hat
def piBy4_dqpsk_diff_encoding(a, enable_plot=False)

Phase Mapper for pi/4-DQPSK modulation


a : input stream of binary bits


(u,v): tuple, where u : differentially coded I-channel bits v : differentially coded Q-channel bits

Expand source code
def piBy4_dqpsk_diff_encoding(a,enable_plot=False):
    Phase Mapper for pi/4-DQPSK modulation
        a : input stream of binary bits
        (u,v): tuple, where
           u : differentially coded I-channel bits
           v : differentially coded Q-channel bits    
    from numpy import pi, cos, sin
    if len(a)%2: raise ValueError('Length of binary stream must be even')
    I = a[0::2] # odd bit stream
    Q = a[1::2] # even bit stream
    # club 2-bits to form a symbol and use it as index for dTheta table
    m = 2*I+Q
    dTheta = np.array([-3*pi/4, 3*pi/4, -pi/4, pi/4]) #LUT for pi/4-DQPSK
    u = np.zeros(len(m)+1);v = np.zeros(len(m)+1)
    u[0]=1; v[0]=0 # initial conditions for uk and vk
    for k in range(0,len(m)):
        u[k+1] = u[k] * cos(dTheta[m[k]]) - v[k] * sin(dTheta[m[k]])
        v[k+1] = u[k] * sin(dTheta[m[k]]) + v[k] * cos(dTheta[m[k]])
    if enable_plot:#constellation plot
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    return (u,v)
def piBy4_dqpsk_mod(a, fc, OF, enable_plot=False)

Modulate a binary stream using pi/4 DQPSK


a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
OF : oversampling factor


result : Dictionary containing the following keyword entries:

s(t) : pi/4 QPSK modulated signal vector with carrier U(t) : differentially coded I-channel waveform (no carrier) V(t) : differentially coded Q-channel waveform (no carrier) t: time base

Expand source code
def piBy4_dqpsk_mod(a,fc,OF,enable_plot = False):
    Modulate a binary stream using pi/4 DQPSK
        a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
        OF : oversampling factor
        result : Dictionary containing the following keyword entries:
          s(t) : pi/4 QPSK modulated signal vector with carrier
          U(t) : differentially coded I-channel waveform (no carrier)
          V(t) : differentially coded Q-channel waveform (no carrier)
          t: time base
    (u,v)=piBy4_dqpsk_diff_encoding(a) # Differential Encoding for pi/4 QPSK
    #Waveform formation (similar to conventional QPSK)
    L = 2*OF # number of samples in each symbol (QPSK has 2 bits/symbol)    
    U = np.tile(u, (L,1)).flatten('F')# odd bit stream at 1/2Tb baud
    V = np.tile(v, (L,1)).flatten('F')# even bit stream at 1/2Tb baud
    fs = OF*fc # sampling frequency    
    t=np.arange(0, len(U)/fs,1/fs) #time base
    U_t = U*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t)
    V_t = -V*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t)
    s_t = U_t + V_t
    if enable_plot:
        fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True)
        from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
        gs = GridSpec(3, 2, figure=fig)
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]);ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]);ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
        ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1,:])        
        ax5.plot(t,s_t) #QPSK waveform zoomed to first few symbols        
        ax3.set_ylabel('U(t)-with carrier');ax4.set_ylabel('V(t)-with carrier')
    result = dict()
    result['s(t)'] =s_t;result['U(t)'] = U;result['V(t)'] = V;result['t'] = t
    return result
def qpsk_demod(r, fc, OF, enable_plot=False)

Demodulate a conventional QPSK signal


r : received signal at the receiver front end
fc : carrier frequency (Hz)
OF : oversampling factor (at least 4 is better)
enable_plot : True = plot receiver waveforms (default False)


a_hat - detected binary stream
Expand source code
def qpsk_demod(r,fc,OF,enable_plot=False):
    Demodulate a conventional QPSK signal
        r : received signal at the receiver front end
        fc : carrier frequency (Hz)
        OF : oversampling factor (at least 4 is better)
        enable_plot : True = plot receiver waveforms (default False)
        a_hat - detected binary stream
    fs = OF*fc # sampling frequency
    L = 2*OF # number of samples in 2Tb duration
    t=np.arange(0,len(r)/fs,1/fs) # time base
    x=r*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t) # I arm
    y=-r*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t) # Q arm
    x = np.convolve(x,np.ones(L)) # integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    y = np.convolve(y,np.ones(L)) #integrate for L (Tsym=2*Tb) duration
    x = x[L-1::L] # I arm - sample at every symbol instant Tsym
    y = y[L-1::L] # Q arm - sample at every symbol instant Tsym
    a_hat = np.zeros(2*len(x))
    a_hat[0::2] = (x>0) # even bits
    a_hat[1::2] = (y>0) # odd bits
    if enable_plot:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    return a_hat
def qpsk_mod(a, fc, OF, enable_plot=False)

Modulate an incoming binary stream using conventional QPSK


a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
OF : oversampling factor - at least 4 is better
enable_plot : True = plot transmitter waveforms (default False)


result : Dictionary containing the following keyword entries:

s(t) : QPSK modulated signal vector with carrier i.e, s(t) I(t) : baseband I channel waveform (no carrier) Q(t) : baseband Q channel waveform (no carrier) t : time base for the carrier modulated signal

Expand source code
def qpsk_mod(a, fc, OF, enable_plot = False):
    Modulate an incoming binary stream using conventional QPSK
        a : input binary data stream (0's and 1's) to modulate
        fc : carrier frequency in Hertz
        OF : oversampling factor - at least 4 is better
        enable_plot : True = plot transmitter waveforms (default False)
        result : Dictionary containing the following keyword entries:
          s(t) : QPSK modulated signal vector with carrier i.e, s(t)
          I(t) : baseband I channel waveform (no carrier)
          Q(t) : baseband Q channel waveform (no carrier)
          t : time base for the carrier modulated signal
    L = 2*OF # samples in each symbol (QPSK has 2 bits in each symbol)
    I = a[0::2];Q = a[1::2] #even and odd bit streams
    # even/odd streams at 1/2Tb baud
    from scipy.signal import upfirdn #NRZ encoder
    I = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=2*I-1, up = L)
    Q = upfirdn(h=[1]*L, x=2*Q-1, up = L)
    fs = OF*fc # sampling frequency 
    t=np.arange(0,len(I)/fs,1/fs)  #time base    
    I_t = I*np.cos(2*np.pi*fc*t);Q_t = -Q*np.sin(2*np.pi*fc*t)
    s_t = I_t + Q_t # QPSK modulated baseband signal
    if enable_plot:
        fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True)        
        from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
        gs = GridSpec(3, 2, figure=fig)
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
        ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1,:])  
        # show first few symbols of I(t), Q(t)
        ax3.set_title('$I(t) cos(2 \pi f_c t)$')
        ax4.set_title('$Q(t) sin(2 \pi f_c t)$')
        ax5.set_title('$s(t) = I(t) cos(2 \pi f_c t) - Q(t) sin(2 \pi f_c t)$')
    result = dict()
    result['s(t)'] =s_t;result['I(t)'] = I;result['Q(t)'] = Q;result['t'] = t           
    return result