Author: Mathuranathan Viswanathan
Editor (with publishing rights): Varsha Srinivasan
Formats : eBook and Paperback
Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Independently published (June 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 979-8648350779 (paperback color print)
ISBN: 979-8648523210 (paperback black & white print)
Paperback Dimensions: 17.78 x 2.21 x 25.4 cm
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A learner-friendly, practical and example driven book, Wireless Communication Systems in Matlab gives you a solid background in building simulation models for wireless systems in Matlab. This book, an essential guide for understanding the basic implementation aspects of a wireless system, shows how to simulate and model such a system from scratch. The implemented simulation models shown in this book provide an opportunity for an engineer to understand the basic implementation aspects of modeling various building blocks of a wireless communication system. It presents the key topics with the required theoretical background along with the implementation details in the form of Matlab scripts.
Key features
- Random variables for simulating probabilistic systems and applications like Jakes filter design and colored noise generation.
- Models for Shannon’s channel capacity, unconstrained awgn channel, binary symmetric channel (BSC), binary erasure channel (BEC), constellation constrained capacities and ergodic capacity over fading channel.
- The theory of linear block codes, decoding techniques using soft-decisions and hard-decisions, and their performance simulations.
- Monte Carlo simulation for ascertaining performance of digital modulation techniques in AWGN and fading channels – Eb/N0 Vs BER curves.
- Pulse shaping techniques, matched filtering and partial response signaling Design and implementation of linear equalizers – Zero forcing and MMSE equalizers, using them in a communication link and modulation systems with receiver impairments.
- Large-scale propagation models like Friis free space model, log distance model, two ray ground reflection model, single knife-edge diffraction model, Hata Okumura model.
- Essentials of small-scale propagation models for wireless channels, such as, power delay profile, Doppler power spectrum, Rayleigh and Rice processes. Modeling flat fading and frequency selective channels.
- Diversity techniques for multiple antenna systems: Alamouti space-time coding, maximum ratio combining, equal gain combining and selection combining.
- Simulation models for direct sequence spread spectrum, frequency hopping spread spectrum and OFDM.
Table of contents
- Part I Fundamental Concepts
- 1 Essentials of Signal Processing
- Generating standard test signals
- Sinusoidal signals
- Square wave
- Rectangular pulse
- Gaussian pulse
- Chirp signal
- Interpreting FFT results – complex DFT, frequency bins and FFTShift
- Real and complex DFT
- Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
- Interpreting the FFT results
- FFTShift
- IFFTShift
- Some observations on FFTShift and IFFTShift
- Obtaining magnitude and phase information from FFT
- Discrete-time domain representation
- Representing the signal in frequency domain using FFT
- Reconstructing the time domain signal from the frequency domain samples
- Plotting Magnitude and Phase Spectrum
- Power Spectral Density
- Power and Energy of a signal
- Energy of a signal
- Power of a signal
- Classification of signals
- Computation of power of a signal – simulation and verification
- Polynomials, Convolution and Toeplitz matrices
- Polynomial functions
- Representing single variable polynomial functions
- Multiplication of polynomials and linear convolution
- Toeplitz Matrix and Convolution
- Methods to compute convolution
- Method 1 – Brute-Force Method
- Method 2 – Using Toeplitz Matrix
- Method 3 – Using FFT to compute convolution
- Miscellaneous methods
- Analytic signal and its applications
- Analytic signal and Fourier Transform
- Applications of analytic signal
- Choosing a filter : FIR or IIR : Understanding the design perspective
- Design specification
- General considerations in design
- Generating standard test signals
- 2 Random variables – simulating probabilistic systems
- Introduction
- Plotting the estimated PDF
- Univariate random variables
- Uniform random variable
- Bernoulli random variable
- Binomial random variable
- Exponential random variable
- Poisson process
- Gaussian random variable
- Chi-squared random variable
- Non-central Chi-Squared random variable
- Chi distributed random variable
- Rayleigh random variable
- Ricean random variable
- Nakagami-m distributed random variable
- Central limit theorem – a demonstration
- Generating correlated random variables
- Generating correlated Gaussian sequences
- Spectral factorization method
- Auto-Regressive (AR) model
- Part II Channel Capacity and Coding Theory
- 3 Channel Capacity
- Introduction
- Shannon’s noisy channel coding theorem
- Unconstrained capacity for bandlimited AWGN channel
- Shannon’s limit on spectral efficiency
- Shannon’s limit on power efficiency
- Generic capacity equation for Discrete Memoryless Channel (DMC)
- Capacity over Binary Symmetric Channel
- Capacity over Binary Erasure Channel
- Constrained Capacity of Discrete input Continuous output Memoryless AWGN Channel
- Ergodic capacity over a fading channel
- 4 Linear Block Coding
- Introduction to error control coding
- Error Control Schemes
- Channel Coding Metrics
- Overview of block codes
- Error-detection and error-correction capability
- Decoders for block codes
- Classification of block codes
- Theory of Linear Block Codes
- Optimum Soft-Decision Decoding of Linear Block Codes for AWGN channel
- Sub-optimal Hard-Decision Decoding of Linear Block Codes for AWGN channel
- Standard Array Decoder
- Syndrome decoding
- Some classes of linear block codes
- Repetition codes
- Hamming codes
- Maximum-length codes
- Hadamard codes
- Performance Simulation of Soft and Hard Decision Decoding of Hamming Codes
- Introduction to error control coding
- Part III Digital Modulations
- 5 Digital Modulators and Demodulators – complex baseband equivalent models
- Passband and complex baseband equivalent model
- Complex Baseband representation of modulated signal
- Complex baseband representation of channel response
- Modulators for Amplitude and Phase modulations
- Pulse Amplitude Modulation (M-PAM)
- Phase Shift Keying Modulation (M-PSK)
- Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (M-QAM)
- Demodulators for Amplitude and Phase modulations
- M-PAM detection
- M-PSK detection
- M-QAM detection
- Optimum Detector on IQ plane using minimum Euclidean distance
- M-ary FSK modulation and detection
- Modulator for M orthogonal signals
- M-FSK detection
- Passband and complex baseband equivalent model
- 6 Performance of Digital Modulations overWireless Channels
- AWGN channel
- Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) definitions
- AWGN channel model
- Theoretical Symbol Error Rates
- Unified Simulation model for performance simulation
- Fading channels
- Linear Time Invariant channel model and FIR filters
- Simulation model for detection in flat Fading Channel
- Rayleigh flat-fading channel
- Ricean flat-fading channel
- AWGN channel
- Part IV Intersymbol interference and Equalizers
- 7 Pulse Shaping, Matched Filtering and Partial Response Signaling
- Introduction
- Nyquist Criterion for zero ISI
- Discrete-time model for a system with pulse shaping and matched filtering
- Eye Diagram
- Implementing a Matched Filter system with SRRC filtering
- Plotting the eye diagram
- Performance simulation
- Partial Response Signaling Models
- Precoding
- Implementing a modulo-M precoder
- Simulation and results
- 8 Linear Equalizers
- Introduction
- Linear Equalizers
- Zero-Forcing Symbol Spaced Linear Equalizer
- Design and simulation of Zero Forcing equalizer
- Drawbacks of Zero Forcing Equalizer
- Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE) Equalizer
- Design and simulation of MMSE equalizer
- Equalizer Delay Optimization
- BPSK Modulation with ZF and MMSE equalizers
- 9 Receiver Impairments and Compensation
- Introduction
- DC offsets and compensation
- IQ imbalance model
- IQ imbalance estimation and compensation
- Blind estimation and compensation
- Pilot based estimation and compensation
- Visualizing the effect of receiver impairments
- Performance of M-QAM modulation with receiver impairments
- Part V Wireless Channel Models
- 10 Large-scale propagation models
- 11 Small-scale models for multipath effects
- Introduction
- Statistical Characteristics of Multipath Channels
- Mutipath Channel Models
- Scattering Function
- Power Delay Profile
- Doppler Power Spectrum
- Classification of small-scale fading
- Rayleigh and Rice processes
- Probability density function of amplitude
- Probability density function of frequency
- Modeling Frequency Flat Channel
- Modeling Frequency Selective Channel
- Method of Equal Distances (MED) to model specified power delay profiles
- Simulating a Frequency Selective channel using TDL model
- 12 Multiple Antenna Systems – Spatial Diversity
- Introduction
- Diversity techniques
- Single input single output (SISO) channel model
- Multiple antenna systems channel model
- Diversity and spatial multiplexing
- Classification with respect to antenna configuration
- Two flavors of multiple antenna systems
- Spatial diversity
- Spatial multiplexing
- Receive diversity
- Received signal model
- Maximum ratio combining (MRC)
- Equal gain combining (EGC)
- Selection combining (SC)
- Performance simulation
- Array gain and diversity gain
- Transmit diversity
- Transmit beamforming with CSIT
- Alamouti code for CSIT unknown
- Introduction
- Part VI Multiuser and Multitone Communication systems
- 13 Spread spectrum techniques
- Introduction
- Code sequences
- Sequence correlations
- Maximum-length sequences (m-sequences)
- Gold codes
- Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
- Simulation of DSSS system
- Performance of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum over AWGN channel
- Performance of Direct Sequence Spread spectrum in the presence of Jammer
- Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
- Simulation model
- Binary Frequency Shift Keying (BFSK)
- Allocation of frequency channels
- Frequency hopping generator
- Fast and slow frequency hopping
- Simulation code for BFSK-FHSS
- 14 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
- Introduction
- Understanding the role of cyclic prefix in a CP-OFDM system
- Circular convolution and designing a simple frequency domain equalizer
- Demonstrating the role of Cyclic Prefix
- Verifying DFT property
- Discrete-time implementation of baseband CP-OFDM
- Performance of MPSK-CP-OFDM and MQAM-CP-OFDM on AWGN channel
- Performance of MPSK-CP-OFDM and MQAM-CP-OFDM on frequency selective Rayleigh channel
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- Great for learning & projects
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Note: Only PDF version is available for purchase from this website. Paperback Print edition is available only from Amazon.
In matlab, 7.3 It says that sincfunction needs additional input arguments to run. What should I do?
This is because, the sinc function given in the book is conflicting with the inbuilt sinc function from the installed Matlab packages.
You could rename the sinc function (that is coded in the book) to something else (say ‘my_sinc’) and give it a try.
this is very efficient smart card
Hello Mr. Mathuranathan, I appreciate your contribution on this blog and please help me with a matlab code to generate BER performance of all block codes and convolutional code in AWGN or reyleigh channel using MPSK or MQAM
Thanks Mr. Mathuranathan
Dear Sir , Do I need Matlab (and different toolboxes) to run the code given in the book? Can I use Octave instead to run this code . In octave I can get not all but most of the related required libraries.
Hello Mr.Anand,
You do not need different toolboxes for executing the scripts shown in this book. Even the communication toolbox is not needed. Basic Matlab installation is enough.
I have written this book in such a way that enables the reader to understand nitty-gritty details of each aspect. Programs are built from scratch.
I have not tested the scripts on Octave, but I believe it should work given its similarity to Matlab.